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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f10_1327237920
  2. car is slow as a mule and twice as ugly
  3. http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr251/KenttheRoofer/Republicans/dicktator1.jpg
  4. that thing must have an effective range of 3 counties over.
  5. A friend of mine has an atheist sticker, and he once got a bible put under his wiper with a long note :lolguy:
  6. As long as I can still have a gun and some ammo I can keep entertained for days. Keep in mind though, the masses have had access to telephones since around the 30s and TV since the 50s. Radio earlier than that I think. So its not fair to say if the youth of today could function without it, when its been commonplace in the US before probably anyone in this thread was born.
  7. Please add Vermin Supreme to the poll, thanks.
  8. Sorry misread that part. I'm guessing because .45 has been used reliably in 1911's for even longer. Plus it doesn't sound as cool as .357 in a 1911.
  9. .38 special +P, or even +P+, doesn't come close to the velocity of .357. We're talking at least 400-500 fps difference, which is pretty significant in pistol rounds.
  10. I was in a bid war on two ebay auctions and have lost both. Time for me to build it myself!
  11. Nope, they aren't cheap but they are affordable for what they do. I'm sticking to pretty simple stuff right now so no need for a drafter quite yet. If you dont already have access to a printer I'll do it for you
  12. I bought a giant one of those when I worked at microcenter, employee price was like half off. It was large enough that it was stable outdoors. It met fate when we decided we could hang targets off it and a bit of birdshot got a little loose. I'd buy another if I had a chance, they are fun
  13. I am going with a DIY kit, probably going with a RepRap but I may end up with a makerbot just for the larger support community. If I end up needing something better, I'll go big and design something myself.
  14. I'm on the verge of buying a 3D printer. It's like a CNC machine but instead of cutting away material it poops ABS plastic. If I bought one of these, how many of you would pay to get some things made? I'd keep prices pretty reasonable compared to most others too. Some things I could easily make Bodies/Shells/Wheels for RC Cars Gauge pods various car interior parts Custom fit project enclosures All kinds of mounts And anything else really... Including AR-15 receivers, I'm just not legally allowed to sell them to you Oh, and I'm guessing I'd have to pay the sponser fee? No problem with that. Not trying to run a business here but trying to make some of the money back on my investment
  15. toothpaste. if it doesn't help at least they'll smell good and it protects against cavities
  16. I'm betting it has the interior of a playskool dump truck
  17. I wonder if that would count as an act of war against its country of origin.
  18. I dont know what the fuck just happened but okay.
  19. I kind of know the guy that drives this. He's part of a group of guys that does a road trip down to Texas for Quakecon each year.
  20. I'm going to try to masturbate to die hard this year on christmas while surrounded by family
  21. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CwI6Km9LSlY/TtgUVx3aHmI/AAAAAAAAAOU/-4ApBuxXdIY/s1600/hohoho.jpg
  22. I learned how they work with Legos, specifically, this piece. You can do some cool AWD stuff with enough of them lol http://groups.csail.mit.edu/drl/courses/cs54-2001s/images/legodiff.jpg
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