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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. simple photocells + servo motor + servo motor shield for an arduino uno and you're done. code should be super simple if you have any C or java experience.
  2. :masturboy: I'll trade you some 215/55/16 drag slicks for some 215/55/16 regular tires. http://i.imgur.com/jvssql.jpg ps: if its dry enough for me to drive I might be there tomorrow.
  3. TROLOLOLOLOL alex come to my move in party you fagqueen
  4. the kind of spider you throw on children
  5. Jay Leno's Mormon Meteor III http://i.pbase.com/g3/24/278124/2/112872095.xQ9ys2WN.jpg Lamborghini Diablo GTR http://www.idcow.net/idcow/products/aa2125.jpg A Rossi Sixty Six Corvette http://www.gotryke.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/SV-2-480x360.jpg Rolls Phantom Coupe http://blog.roadandtrack.com/wp-content/uploads/Rolls-Royce-Phantom__Lamm__001-439x293.jpg And finally, an F650, because fuck you and your sister. http://otomac.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Ford-F650-Super-Truck-reviews-2011.jpg
  6. that photo is a confirmed fake. ...STEVE JOBS, NOW 30% THINNER. BUY BUY BUY. :lolguy:
  7. model number? if its same timings/voltage as my current 8gb i'll take them.
  8. Yep. Cables are that cheap. Don't put any stress on the super cheap ones though, the heads like to split apart. At a buck a piece though, who gives a shit.
  9. :)I'm right around the corner, if you ever need help some afternoon let me know
  10. What materials/types of paint do you use? I like the look of your stuff, wouldn't mind owning a piece of it.
  11. as long as they have craps this place will be paying me.
  12. I'll buy the other off you for a good bit extra :nod:
  13. it was only a matter of time. the hardware is already mostly supported.
  14. I'm driving there now...
  15. Would have to be the worlds largest, and stupidest stunt of all time, with how big of a hit their stock has taken.
  16. volts=speed amps=longevity Just strap a small (50cc) generator on there, one that has a 12vdc output, along with a small 12v battery to hopefully smooth out the current.
  17. "I don't need to be told how hot Danica Patrick is. She is 4 foot 8 and bull legged. Maybe it's hot when the wind is blowing in her hair as she's coming in last place."
  18. sand paper will ruin it. just get the clorox toilet cleaning gel or clr, both should do it.
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