I hit 500gb in just a few DAYS when I reformatted and had to redownload my steam library
Guess I'm switching to time warner after the grace period is up. Shame I can't get wow where I live. Hopefully time warners 30mbit plan is available soon (and cheap)
Hows the sound quality in the truck? Modern speakers or amps or anything? If not, I think your best option would be to just get a FM transmitter for your ipod. Adding an amp like that could be more trouble than its worth.
Depending on the plastic used on the runners this could make it worse. Just take a a 3/8" or 1/2" barb that goes to a 1/8" and put it on a regular garden hose and you'll get just about the same effect.
If its collapsed just find the bad part and shove pipe up to that point.
It shouldn't be in a courtroom because no judge should use religion (or even be reminded of religion) in a courtroom. People should be free from prosecution based on the religious ideals of others.