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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Adding a SSD is the biggest change in performance you will ever see on a computer from the past 10 years. You will swear your system jumped into the future and had sex with all kinds of hot women, and then traveled back in time to be owned by you. For apps I would highly recommend you use one, and it is probably worth getting another small one to use as a scratch disk for any hard core editing. They are straight crack. Where are you shopping at? Microcenter will match newegg prices if you'd prefer to get everything local.
  2. The next gen chips are 1155, and the older stuff is 1156. That mobo is great and all, but wont cut it for the new stuff. Now, the recall doesn't seem to be all that bad. They say it will only affect a small amount of users, and over the period of years. Even then you can use the other SATA controller to keep the system going while waiting for a replacement board. You could go right ahead and buy one of the boards if you can find them somewhere, and rumors are there wont be shipments of fixed boards until april. Personally I think you should get one of the affected sandy bridge boards and if the SATA hits the fan just RMA it through the manufacturer. Sandy bridge is worth it.
  3. 12 pieces of canes chicken, pretzles and homebrew with unknown carb content. high five?
  4. Why do you people eat anywhere other than canes? I've been eating from this 25 piece tailgate the last few days.
  5. After this point I couldn't think of many ways to comically alter some of them, so I gave up and will let each of you think of how to change it. Whats the difference between drugs now and alcohol during the prohibition period? Alcohol won, after tens of thousands of deaths. The problem has never been the drugs in this country; it has been irresponsible users. You can't blame a substance when it is the person who consumes it in the first place.
  6. you know, while we have the technology to build the fastest and best stuff on the roads, we don't actually have the insanity to actually use it like the russians do.
  7. Swap a diesel into your DSM. Oh, welcome to the site, but you should read the stickies and post pics of your past/current rides before you get your shit handed to you.
  8. By going the opposite way of a "sheep" statement, you are also part of a "sheep" statement. Just a FYI. I learned way back to never make these comparisons for a reason
  9. This. They have your personal information, and they lost it. Demand answers.
  10. unfunnyryan


    get get a shovel and a bucket and find a bumpy road, preferabbly uphill. Profit awaits you in the streets.
  11. There was a bunch of AEP trucks just sitting around in the kmart on bethel parking lot this morning. Most of them reading news papers.
  12. there was a tree on my street this morning that sagged far enough to touch the ground, and glued its self there with ice.
  13. off topic: where in the flying fuck did you find that thing? Is that barrel really necessary?
  14. I have hardly done anything to the gun other than strip it of old oil and whatever dirt has mixed in with it. The grips were only re-stained, and turned out fantastic. I don't care about the guns value, as it is not going to be sold, but I still want the best refinishing possible on it.
  15. I was thinking of taking in the slide to vances to see if anyone there could get me some info on how much work would need to be done, if you could get the info for me that would be excellent!
  16. Jesus, is that a radiator or a condenser out of a deep freezer? If I were to ever build another watercooled system I would use a small car radiator and mount it over an entire side panel. Could probably get away with passive cooling at that point...or use the car fan as well lol. Oh, and if anyone wants to do a submerged system let me know. I've helped on a few builds and know all the small things that matter big time.
  17. I am looking at rebluing my great grandfathers Colt 1903. The gun is in fine shape cosmetically, very superficial surface rust, and just about zero pitting. What does it take to reblue a handgun? Is it worth it to have it professionally redone, and if so, how much does it cost? Can anyone on here do it? I can have the gun completely disassembled beforehand and reassemble it my self (1903 is a pretty simple gun) I have already refinished the grips and hit some of the slightly rough spots with some steel wool and soaked it in mineral spirits to get rid of any nearly 100 year old gunk. I'll post picture tomorrow, but would love to present this to my dad one day as a gift to him, so that one day he will hand it off to me. Story about the gun: Found it in my grandmothers house, she had no idea it was there. Was found in a shoebox so old when picked up the bottom fell out. Original magazine(s) have not been found. Great grandfather was a taxi driver in NYC, and he carried it along with a revolver with him. He had a concealed carry before it was cool . Talk about original gangsta. disclaimer: yes I know I am not 21 but I am not possessing the gun and if it is fully disassembled is it really a problem? EDIT: Shit, how did this end up in the back counter? Meant to put it in gun crew. Move please!
  18. +1, it is good stuff. If you really want good security, NOD32 is probably the best you can buy as far as PREVENTION. Not sure about removal, because I've never had a chance to remove anything with it.
  19. sitting in the parking lot waiting for the ice to melt off my car I saw a transformer explosion lightshow.
  20. smear some peanut butter on it and call the dogs over
  21. he seemed to be taking it pretty well. good for him.
  22. sunbury in out guy makes in shop his this turbo chad kits
  23. I would like it to be noted that I only ever said decriminalized, not legalized. Different things.
  24. Right, but tickets benefit local municipalities, not so much the fed. There are a lot of cities that have already done this (such as Denver) and have seen no drawbacks from doing so. Snorting lines of bath salts should still be illegal though.
  25. shoot that mayan apocalypse right in the fucking face.
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