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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. The point isnt to prevent them from selling it, but to reduce prison cost and overhead by not putting people in jail for (mostly) harmless crimes. Instead of it costing money, just make it a ticket and make money. I'm surprised we havent seen more of this with current economic conditions.
  2. This guy has money, friends, and a wild sense of humor.
  3. The spelling is what you would expect from someone that would do that swap. Needs tires and boost.
  4. I love the babies, too bad my guy is out of them at the moment.
  5. maybe if they decriminalized the drugs that dont make people kill their grandmothers with machetes...
  6. Beat ass corolla with v12 for the redneck inside me. Would you rather: Get stung in the urethra by a hornet or Be a CR mod
  7. It better be sudan/kenya/afghanistan because no democratic nation has easier access to guns than the US.
  8. 22 subsonics just do it right there in the attic.
  9. Right on. Nowadays it isn't worth it. If your hardware runs hot, it would be cheaper to upgrade to new stuff that runs cooler and faster. If I wanted to watercool my crossfire 4870s, it would have cost about $400 to get all the stuff together, plus adding 15lbs of weight to my case and the risk of water damage. Instead I bought a 6950, and did the bios mod to change it to a 6970. Runs faster, cooler, and uses less energy. No need to watercool it. Same goes for processors. The sandy bridge stuff runs so cool there is just no point. Mine hardly hits over 100* F. on the stock cooler. Now, oil submersion cooling on the otherhand...always worth it if you build a custom enclosure to house it all
  10. CPUs are back out for sale. We pulled every system and motherboard with a P67 or H67 chipset though. Once the RMA system is set up this will be the 3rd time I've replaced my sandy bridge mobo
  11. whats that thing putting down? crazy steal of a deal.
  12. Why don't they just make it illegal to commit crimes in gun free zones..oh wait.
  13. Thanks for the heads up. If anyone gets a bunch for cheap, I would like one to use as a club.
  14. had a friend who got one from there and the build quality was sub par at best. Get a processor from microcenter, they have them cheaper than anywhere, and pricematch everything else.
  15. Fuck the haters, I would drive the shit out of that. I would drive that to my own wedding.
  16. Ok, I've got a new video card in. Specs are now as follows. CPU: Core i5 2500k @ 4.4ghz MOBO: Asus P8P67 PRO RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600 (8gb soon) Video: Radeon 6850 2GB GDDR5, bios flashed to 6870 (HAS 176GB/SEC MEM BANDWIDTH!!) PS: Antec 620W Gamer HDD: 1TB WD Caviar Black in RAID-1 The 6850 is a fucking amazing card. Outperforms the 4870 crossfire, runs way cooler, uses way less power. On top of that, its the EXACT SAME CARD as the 6870, and you can just flash the 6870 bios to it and save $80. There is no risk either, as it is a dual bios card and there is an actual switch to switch between the bios. Besides the ram, this system has me set for the next few years. Total build is well under $1000.
  17. The best way to accomplish this is with moar guns.
  18. unfunnyryan


    thats what the paper plate trick is for, you just put your dick through a paper plate and you're ready to go.
  19. I've been looking at the sub2000 for a while, its really light and will take the big mags
  20. Do you know how good these guy's teeth have to look when they only show up to work 5 days a year? they have to be ready to impress a bitch.
  21. unfunnyryan

    Free Pete

    I don't see the reasoning behind it. Not removing a hat should get you asked to leave, not arrested. I'm guessing you guys are overlooking this as well. http://www.copblock.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/HATON.png
  22. This isn't as bad as the republican senator who broke into a couples house, climbed up a ladder, fell, broke his leg. Then the couple were nice enough to not press charges. 5 years later now and he is suing them (the couple) for damages.
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