Ok, I've got a new video card in. Specs are now as follows.
CPU: Core i5 2500k @ 4.4ghz
MOBO: Asus P8P67 PRO
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600 (8gb soon)
Video: Radeon 6850 2GB GDDR5, bios flashed to 6870 (HAS 176GB/SEC MEM BANDWIDTH!!)
PS: Antec 620W Gamer
HDD: 1TB WD Caviar Black in RAID-1
The 6850 is a fucking amazing card. Outperforms the 4870 crossfire, runs way cooler, uses way less power. On top of that, its the EXACT SAME CARD as the 6870, and you can just flash the 6870 bios to it and save $80. There is no risk either, as it is a dual bios card and there is an actual switch to switch between the bios.
Besides the ram, this system has me set for the next few years. Total build is well under $1000.