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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Hot damn those are cheap. Time to piece together some options e: a 6.8 lower will not work with 5.56 will it?
  2. Playing black ops on a wii is comparable to playing a harmonica with your dick.
  3. The problem with surveys is, they include people who take surveys, namely morons.
  4. You don't need anything exrta. The older 360s require the use of a power supply added to the USB cable - which is included with the kinects. It is NOT included with kinects sold in a system bundle.
  5. I'd love to hear the story behind this one.
  6. microcenter has 70+ in stock. They are pretty awesome, plus, hackable to use on a PC.
  7. murdered on christmas eve? not even CEOs selling out the entire country get that kind of treatment. wow.
  8. A little more searching and I did find other parts for cheaper, and I guess I could always haggle them down, however I like the look of that HBAR upper. The lower doesn't matter nearly as much as the upper does it? It's just the triggergroup and magwell. I'm trying to do as much research as I can on it, it's my first time looking into ARs (I've told my self to never own an AR..ugh) Anyone on here have parts? I also saw an upper for a 7.62x39 gun, which made my pants a tad bit tight.
  9. So I've convinced myself an AR-15 is something I need to have, despite everyone else having one. I've also realized I could build one for pretty cheap by buying a mix of all the parts on armslist. I don't need to shoot 3 moa groups at 100 yards, so why not? That is better than I could ever shoot on ironsights anyways. This upper http://www.armslist.com/posts/79704/columbus-ohio-gun-parts-for-sale-fulton-armory-ar15-h-bar-upper Plus this lower http://www.armslist.com/posts/79774/columbus-ohio-gun-parts-for-sale-complete-superior-arms-ar-15-lower puts me at 725, and all I would need is a bolt assembly and misc small parts? What am I missing here?
  10. I spent more on my parents than they did on me. Can we have a what did you get your parents for christmas thread?
  11. 3 months after the release, they will release a new phone and call it, the iphone 4g. I just worked fucking apple magic.
  12. Buffalo makes routers with DD-WRT preloaded for pretty cheap.
  13. Weren't the gnutella/limewire servers shut down?
  14. fixed, the guy will get whats coming to him eventually.
  15. The new fries are pretty fucking awesome, but five guys still has them beat. That and the shit I deep fry myself.
  16. There could be other relays that control things in the background that you aren't noticing. In the mean time, if engine temp isn't getting up to normal due to bad thermostat, put a big piece of cardboard over your radiator.
  17. We have outlets on the patio. One has a GFCI on it and the other is just sort of hanging out of the wall . How much do they normally draw? I am going to check what breaker controls the outdoor outlets sometime tomorrow to make sure its enough. I've noticed that the older ones are 220, and I wouldn't have a huge problem setting one up for 110 by myself. Can't be any harder than rewiring a furnace can it? Although I would really like to avoid this, if possible. As for the patio, the concrete looks good and I doubt the complex would even notice if it cracked lol. Not really sure what the official policy on hot tubs is though
  18. Sounds like some sound advice. I am prepared to pay out the ass for a new cover if needed, and was planning on avoiding any wood because I felt plastics would be lighter and easier to move.
  19. Looking for the back patio on my apartment. Nothing outrageously expensive. Cheap = good. Pics are good too. Also, how the hell does one normally move a hot tub?
  20. and the kids, they listen to the rap music, which gives them the brain damage.
  21. You can race my friends 08 matrix with ornamental bead seat covers...but since yours is a rental, you should add nitrous.
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