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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Yes, ridiculous and overkill. But they will still kick your (any everyone on CRs) ass.
  2. Pretty awesome. What combination of drugs makes someone want to go do that?
  3. They run their best when black is pouring out the exhaust
  4. mix oil and mud and cake it on everywhere. Its your engines natural salt guard.
  5. I have been so de-sensitized to gross and fucked up shit (cr, you helped) that I find japan fascinating and all this shit amazing.
  6. +1. Carriers are all going the wrong direction and ruining phones with the shit they put on it.
  7. I just killed millions of potential children.
  8. I'm wondering why I haven't set this up for my HTPC for when I want to move files to it...
  9. nice mosins i fucking love mosins. fapfapfapfapfapfapfap
  10. Well if anyone ever tells you you're 1 in a billion there is 6.7 people exactly like you.
  11. well fuck, thread just got boring.
  12. android version + adblock = free version
  13. Its a rare JDM Miata coupe. now. Thank me whenever. (those jdm miatas are sexy )
  14. i play it every time im on the toilet.
  15. http://imgur.com/Ny7BU.jpg
  16. http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/0/4258/375442-gas_can.med_large.jpg http://www.llr.state.sc.us/images/matches3.jpg
  17. They haven't done any innovation though. There is nothing groundbreaking with their phones, besides some easier syncing with other microsoft applications.
  18. +1 Also, OPs vid was a good example of why an abstinence only education in schools never works.
  19. well opposing force and blueshift were not made by valve, they don't really carry any official storyline.
  20. Awesome game. I love it on PC, can't say much about it for consoles. It will give you MANY hours of play time.
  21. is 5.56 really sufficient as a pig round?
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