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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. make a moat out of horse shit around the property
  2. Fuck, why couldn't you post this a month ago before I bought my 870? Free bump for awesome deal.
  3. Yup. Even if you take cold hard facts (for example, wikileaks) your own interpretation of them is biased. This goes for every person on here, including myself and this post. US and British Govt. plotted a bombing of the Al Jazeera headquarters to control the news. Welcome to the new world order everybody
  4. I don't think you can put iOS 4 on a 1st gen. A lot of games wont run either, as they aren't powerful enough. May go for 2nd gen as well. 1st gen also doesn't have physical volume buttons.
  5. Again I have no idea what I am talking about? When did I have no idea the first time? The only disc I see for that price on newegg comes from some off-brand that probably has the read/write reliability of a dead cat. Reviews are all saying they work, but plenty of people mentioning the surfaces on the disk being uneven and thin. This is fucking bad. Drives will not write be able to write properly to an uneven disc surface, period. Even if your program says burn successful, do a MD5 checksum and I can almost guarantee you will come across errors with low quality cheap disc.
  6. 1. Buy crack den 2. Tear down 3. Build new crack den 4. profit!
  7. Bluray media is still expensive as hell. I would hold off for a while unless you have a cheap source of disks.
  8. Oh team output, where are you now, when CR is in it greatest need of lulz...
  9. Scope? Mosin? Real men use the ironsights out to 2000 meters.
  10. This is so fucking true with mosins. My post above is with the russian ammo I bought a ton of. I picked up some Bulgarian ammo at a gun show and it shoots pretty straight.
  11. that's true about my mosin. Fail to hit cinderblock from 30 feet.
  12. Friend of mine had camrys around those years and they took a beating like no other car would.
  13. My science teacher in 8th grade had a Nikon from the late 80s that he has taken around the world. It even survived a flood. He stood on top of the damn thing to show off how strong it was. I don't know much about camera durability so sorry I can't help just had to share
  14. My overall point is, it will be quicker for that to occur in RWD.
  15. unfunnyryan

    new dog

    Awesome dog. My friend in jersey has one and a fucking huge malamute to go with it. Here is his malamute, all one hundred and ninety five pounds of dogasaurous at just over one year old http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs249.snc1/9623_139939299059_742204059_2442447_5652775_n.jpg
  16. FWD can get you where you need if there isn't a whole lot on the ground. RWD will put you into a lightpole.
  17. LauncherPro Beautiful Widgets If you have a Chase account, Chase Mobile Most important of them all: root your phone and get Rom Manager.
  18. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1292216&postcount=11
  19. It's always something that is simple to upgrade in the future, so this is probably your best bet at this stage in the build.
  20. I can always tell when it has snowed because it will be the first day of winter I sleep in to 2pm.
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