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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I work at microcenter in the gaming department. Come find me. If you are looking for a good strategy game, nothing beats starcraft 2 right now. Theres a demo set up in the store if you want to play a bit. If you want to play a cool strategy/third person game, check out alien swarm on steam. Lots of fun for free.
  2. unfunnyryan

    SKS fs

    I'll take it as soon as I get paid, but that probably wont be for another week.
  3. That sucks, could of been far far worse though. Don't be careful with nitrous, be careful with anything under pressure. Even moreso if its combustible.
  4. The obvious answer to this is that the person filming was actually a bear too.
  5. This could be used in laptops for external devices requiring a lot of bandwidth...video cards and such.
  6. oh well theres another coming up at the ohio expo center
  7. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs935.snc4/74892_885650986284_12319348_47616516_4794910_n.jpg
  8. Might head out to see what kind of outlandish accessories I can find.
  9. if you french fry when your supposed to pizza you're going to have a bad time
  10. I did, I was just trying to get people to watch it thinking it was actually a deer.
  11. Someone should winch it out in the dead of the night. Then steal its tires.
  12. put it in the drinking water, and be required to take an IQ test to get an antidote that allows you to get pregnant. AMERICA JUST GOT SOLVED.
  13. unfunnyryan


    Yeah balls have been lodged in places there before
  14. unfunnyryan


    shop vac sounds like it could work but also may suck up a whole bunch of nasty shit.
  15. Yup. They took the S60R motor (or the closest relative of it) and dropped its AWD setup. He could probably mod it with S60R motor parts, the intake/exhaust would be far better than what ford has on it.
  16. it works fine, and according to my old boss, biodiesel will get rid of the red quicker than normal diesel. no clue if thats true or not.
  17. i dont know how to read i dont have enough of your tax monies yet
  18. Don't tell nobody, but I heard teenage pregnancies and people that can't be held responsible are taxpayer funded too.
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