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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. What kind of difference did you get from the extended batt? Noticeable?
  2. Extended battery wont fit my custom phone mount... guess it will have to be made more custom
  3. Who here has replaced their battery in an original droid? My battery life has gone down pretty significantly in comparison to my friends droid2. Right now as it is it goes to 90% just a minute after I unplug it, rest of the charge last for most of the day.
  4. My friend has a fixed water bill in his apartment, so he runs cold water from the sink to the waterblock in his computer.
  5. I achieved absolutely no police hostility last night. They even let me pet the horses. They wouldn't let me ride one though.
  6. Car got great mileage on drive to OU and back after topping a quarter tank of kroger with bp 93. However, on the way back I think I may have had some sort of detonation as the motor just stumpled and I got a pull over immediately message. Was fine upon restarting. I never use BP gas so..?
  7. Heard tonight that Fox is doing a investigation on gas quality in columbus. Monday @ 5.
  8. No ATI? Haters gunna hate. I'm about to crossfire my 4870 since its sippin behind a bit on fallout new vegas. And you absolutely do not need a 650watt power supply for a mid range card. I have a Q6600 system with 4x hard drives in raid, my 4870 as I've said above (HEAVILY overclocked btw) and a 500watt powersupply. Never had a problem. I need to replace it with something in the 700 range for crossfire though Every intel HSF has thermal paste pre applied to it. Its not the greatest stuff but anything C2D and newer runs cool enough that it doesn't matter.
  9. Elections coming up, you on the ballot?
  10. I want on the god damned list
  11. heres a few tips since I don't believe you've built one before. Put the processor and fan on the motherboard before you mount it in the case. I usually put the powersupply in the case first, then followed by the motherboard. You don't want to be moving around a big heavy powersupply near your delicate motherboard, so i always get it out of the way early.
  12. Man thats a nice santa fe
  13. +1, I don't see why you should put anyone on the line at all when you have the capabilities of doing from quite a distance away.
  14. are all the M4s being converted to M4A1s or will there be leftover/surplus guns? I guess its doubtful they would make it very far to the civilian market with burst anyways I guess.
  15. Oh CR Winter, how I've missed you.
  16. This is correct. Just get a cheapo used arcade system for online play.
  17. Not sure if you knew, but there is a pedestrian bridge over some railroad tracks at Ridgeview Middle School, right here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=&sll=40.045041,-83.042098&sspn=0.003002,0.005665&g=Columbus,+Ohio+43220&ie=UTF8&ll=40.045041,-83.042098&spn=0.003002,0.005665&t=h&z=18 Used to play baseball there when I was real young, and we would all run over to it when the trains were coming.
  18. It's because you didn't try hard enough.
  19. http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/00441/news-graphics-2007-_441537a.jpg
  20. I will provide you with a long list of good if you can make a reasonable post providing evidence for everything you say, until you can start backing up what you say I am not going to waste anymore time on you.
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