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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Just connect a wireless n router to the 2wire box with a ethernet cable, and disable the built in wireless and dhcp.
  2. I'm pretty sure your car would get stripped/stolen before you were able to find a race.
  3. well when you're detroit you don't have much to lose.
  4. I'm going to sip on the haterade and say that's fucking hilarious. Although, I hope he gets you guys back better than you got him.
  5. +1, they purposely pick out the stereotypes. It sells.
  6. unfunnyryan

    Model cars

    Don't go with any traditional "model" car. Go with this. This thing is lego art. You get to build the engine even. http://shop.lego.com/Product/?p=8386 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIFv3YEfuSQ
  7. Because trucks are a fashion statement now. And because todays automatics are becoming more efficient than manuals.
  8. tomorrow at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion, anyone here going?
  9. I have the same problem. Sort of. My windshield isn't exactly dirty, it just has tons of micro scratches caused by sand or something, which when the light hits just right you can't see a damn thing. Can this be polished out?
  10. If you are concerned about the way a android phone is setup before you actually get the phone (and root it) you are doing it wrong.
  11. Pay me to sit in your yard with a gun.
  12. unfunnyryan


    http://www.amazon.com/Nopalina-Formula-Contains-Omega-grams/dp/B0033YH45Y/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1286585883&sr=8-3 or if you have access to a amazon prime account, this is slightly cheaper with the free shipping http://www.amazon.com/Nopalina-Linaza-Plus/dp/B000OFSB84/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1286585904&sr=8-2
  13. I have a USB card with the realtek8187L 1watt chipset with a amplified antenna. You don't want to know how many unsecured wireless connections I can find in an apartment complex. That story is just great though. They raided the house based on the IP address, but not checking it with the person whom they were able to identify in pictures.
  14. IN. I will race in reverse. Its like RWD, but bettah.
  15. Part of the problem is you're buying plasma over a LED LCD
  16. I'd spend the extra $100 now for a 1080p 42" for $499 and avoiding waiting in freezing weather for 4 hours. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16889005137&Tpk=42ld450
  17. If you are in the market for larger TVs, check here: http://eastcoasttvs.com/ they have insane deals on 50"+ Here is the one we bought a few months back : http://www.eastcoasttvs.com/index.php/led-tv/samsung/55/samsung-55-1080p-240hz-3d-8m-1-contrast-led-backlit-w-precision-dimming-lcd-hdtv-un55c8000.html The picture on it is the most amazing thing I've ever seen.
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