motherboard would normally let you know when other components would go bad, but because it isn't, I'm leaning towards motherboard, but not ruling out power supply. Just because the fans spin doesn't mean all of the power rails on it are good.
My uncle has a bunch of the older ones. One or two of them was manufactured in west germany, back when there was a west germany. I haven't really handled a newer one.
Fucking awesome. I was picturing something like Wiremod inside of Garrys Mod, where you can program logic chips and go all the way up to satellite networks, but thats down on a way cooler (nerdier) level.
Sad though that he will never get laid.
FD will hit 265 with perfect driving and tuning setup.
google claims 267. One also claims the aveo with a motor swap will hit 268, but thats probably BS.
core i3/p43 motherboard/4gb ram/uprated power supply/monitor can all be had for $400.
Don't need a video card since the i3 has processor integrated graphics, and again, you can upgrade to a i5 or i7.
Was going to say just use ADB. Its how I install all the 3rd party apps on my phone (I use terminal daily on my mac, its just simple for me)
Is there root for the galaxy phones yet? I'm thinking of upgrading my droid soon.