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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I know this cop. He harassed the shit out of me and some friends because my car was parked in a parking lot next to a building which had been broken into the night before. This guy is the biggest fuck I have ever met, practically accusing me of robbery based on where my car was parked. Keep in mind I was 17 at the time, and he was threatening to arrest me. I praise you for giving him the finger.
  2. I'm sure they can get power elsewhere. Its Arizona, who will have problems finding new power customers (screwing themselves out of more money)
  3. Hate to see these places go. Nowadays its so hard to find that level of service. Can't even get an oil change done without them turning a hex bolt into a sphere.
  4. magnetize a metal clothes hanger with a magnet out of a old hard drive
  5. I'm looking for a summer job starting mid-june. Heres some background info. Last summer I worked for a company where I did a variety of work, ranging from IP camera installs to configuring simple bits of servers. I am highly knowledgeable with Windows and OSX. I also have good mechanical skills, can assemble things, carry loads, all that good stuff. Have a ton of my own tools as well. I'm young enough that you can work me as many hours as you feel like, just for the fun of it. I passed drug/background checks last year for my employer, and can provide great references. If anyone is looking for additional cheap help this summer, let me know! I started at $10/hr last summer, so anything around there would be appreciated. Thanks a lot for reading!
  6. +1 Its like not wherever she is from is trying to commit beauty pageant espionage.
  7. Clay: Do you need one header or two? http://columbus.craigslist.org/pts/1741624308.html This guy has one for sale (what do you know, the other was cracked.) Might be a good cheap fix.
  8. Most expensive: LS1 Swap Least expensive: JB weld.
  9. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Is she a US Citizen now? Then who the fuck cares. Shes dumb and hot and will do nothing but fuck and (hopefully) cook dinner.
  10. Was there a tire in it? I cant imagine how much drag that thing adds to the car at highway speeds.
  11. That would require putting somalians on a boat, and we all know where that would ultimately lead to.
  12. +1. Although you should of just gone with a 4870 crossfire. Cheaper and faster.
  13. Too quick and painless. Sent out on a boat in the middle of the sea > blown up.
  14. and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZzgAjjuqZM&feature=related
  15. is your face hitting the mute button in the call?
  16. That would be my favorite way to see it handled.
  17. I showed up around 10:30. Didn't really see anyone there. Saw a red and black vette pulling in to lennox as I was leaving. Woke up, checked CR, thought I might make this and I was wrong. Oh well, maybe another time.
  18. unfunnyryan


    And the news just keeps getting better and better http://www.engadget.com/2010/05/13/android-2-2-froyo-to-include-usb-tethering-wifi-hotspot-funct/
  19. unfunnyryan


    Except as soon as you are elected, you are no longer an everyday american. You are some above the law politician making a few million extra from lobbyist every year.
  20. unfunnyryan


    http://hackaday.com/2010/05/13/wii-remote-connectivity-for-android-devices/#more-24032 "It certainly seems to work better than the Wii remote + iPhone hacks we’ve seen. Pick it up from the Android store or download the APK from the thread linked at the top. This is an alpha version so don’t be shocked if it’s buggy." iPhones can suck it.
  21. unfunnyryan


    +1 This is why I don't care for the NBA at all. One player always takes all the glory. "Team" doesn't mean shit anymore.
  22. I've said it several times before... Pandora in car or nothing.
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