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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Right. I have a 17" MBP that they claim gets 8 hours battery life. I get right around 8 hours battery life. I don't see where its full of shit. Did shit take on a new meaning lately? Look at what he is asking for. iPhoto is amazing, with great features. iTunes is the same. For school you get the same MS Office features and anything along that route.
  2. Hah, say goodbye to that insurance claim. He just sort of drifted into the water. Wow.
  3. 14 liter v12? Only 500hp and 1000ftlbs..on boost.. that motor needs some love. edit: then again, that thing could cause a dyno to catch fire.
  4. Nothing is going to give you the build quality and battery life of the new macbooks, and anything that comes close will have some poor design or just shitty form factor. If you are going to take your laptop to class a lot, you cannot beat a mac. I've been taking my MBP out with me every day this quarter and will have it on for 4 hours or so and battery life is still at 40% or so when I get back.
  5. That was part of it, there was obvious shoving and pushing of the camera too that contributed.
  6. http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/9376/1014091226h.th.jpg One of the GTRs on OU campus (There is two of them..in a small college town..that I see daily) http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/8117/1029091415b.th.jpg this was pretty much outside my house one day http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/8583/1110091542.th.jpg Volvo amazon? Bad picture. http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/4214/1103091410.th.jpg Neat s40. edit: BONUS ROUND! went through some more pics on my phone. http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/4189/0613091649.th.jpg Really cool vette at my friends graduation party. Had VERY low original miles. Guy was joking about how its the only car he'll ever own that is making him money. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/233/0714090958.th.jpg Some older Ferrari. http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/2369/0717090848.th.jpg Garage full of Ferraris :bangbang: http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/2552/0807091517a.th.jpg Roadrunner. Looked really good up close. http://img97.imageshack.us/img97/1029091415b.jpg/1/w1280.png
  7. Cool, another thing to keep me from studying.
  8. http://i48.tinypic.com/169melt.gif
  9. In turbo'd engines they leave as a fine dust. They are gone, you just haven't noticed
  10. I found a higher res, colored version recently http://i37.tinypic.com/21c6wee.jpg
  11. You know, I used to think UFC was real, like wrestling. Then I found out its fake, like boxing.
  12. Its killing PCs too. The game was built around the 360. It was just ported to other systems, and they did a half-assed job in doing so. In the PC version, half the error messages for connection problems say to check your xbox live connection. Some of the control dialogs refer to the 360 controller. Its pitiful.
  13. Water. Anything else has the risk of removing any anti-glare coating your screen might have.
  14. http://i34.tinypic.com/hskf0g.jpg http://i34.tinypic.com/2wmdfdu.jpg And this is worth a look http://www.autoblog.com/2008/10/31/ebay-find-of-the-day-ford-ranchersho/
  15. Only if its the Ariel Atom 500 V8 edition. All while weighing in at 500kg. Thats 1hp/1kg. A Veyron is .5hp/kg.
  16. http://jalopnik.com/5404505/exclusive-bugatti-lake-crash-driver-owns-infamous-eddie-griffin+crashed-ferrari-enzo Now he has a 2nd wrecked exotic to repair.
  17. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/SplitTheEnemy/epic-fail-kids-bracelet-fail.jpg
  18. Something tells me you watch a lot of Glenn Beck. Best of luck to you and your children.
  19. Yes, because celebrities are not entitled to opinions and should never be allowed to make mistakes. :jerkit:
  20. Also wondering this... If she stops liking it for any reason I'll take it off your hands
  21. Its like a movie theater, all the profits will be on the food.
  22. dumb people pay taxes, gotta keep them from killing themselves somehow
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