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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. shitttt you're running methane? thats like 500hp dawg
  2. I've been waiting for a thread like this. Now that its spring/summer and warm out, the kids at the end of my street are always out playing and they are always in the street. They have a perfectly fine yard and backyard I'm sure they could play in, but no, their bigwheels have to be in the street like the rest of the cars. [i had 3 paragraphs right here, but I deleted them because they aren't funny.] Moral of the story is, I press firmly on my horn at kids that are in the street and piss off their parents to the point of them power-walking towards my car. It wouldn't be a problem and their kids wouldn't be crying if they were not in the street.
  3. Welcome man. Good to see your making it through here without problems.
  4. Wii probably. Have you ever seen guitar hero wii graphics? It looks fucking disgusting.
  5. So you have the car for a few more days.. Spray the damn thing already!
  6. In their video they said they tested their engines up to 14850 rpm... want...
  7. Valid point I guess if you can get everything for the right price.
  8. Im surprised he didn't fill it with dynamite for when the engine died.. I mean if he had gone that far, why not.
  9. Eh..I would say you could of gotten MORE for it! You could probably fix that button problem by dabbing tiny amounts if alcohol in their to free up the button, unless the button was physically broken.
  10. Problem is he is looking for a LGA775 processor.. excluding your precious I7s... Hell if your board supports 45nm though, go with that Q8300. only $5 more than the Q6600. Where the fuck can I get a i920 for $200?
  11. I do the same events. Plus 4x200 and 100m. Only concussion I ever had was when I was snowboarding. I got to the bottom of a hill at mad river and someone threw a chunk of ice at my face.
  12. The prostitute obviously didn't love his nuts. Did he use a shamwow to clean up the blood?
  13. TD04HL http://i44.tinypic.com/2w6dohj.jpg
  14. I'm going to take a different approach to this. Buy a new videocard. There is applications now for both Nvidia and ATI cards that uses your GPU to encode video. And they are fucking fast. I use Badaboom (nvidia only) with my 9600GT, and I can transcode videos at 4-5x the speed my Q6600 can. Imagine what you can do with a GTX280 or so. Badaboom should support bluray but you might want to look into the ATI option using their AVIVO Transcoder.
  15. Changing the way you punch dicks.
  16. My friend just got a job at arbys. So I can eat for free anyways now
  17. a password protected spreadsheet is what I keep track of a lot of stuff in. Although I don't actually have a job in IT/Network, its what I'm looking forward to.
  18. Someone has too much time on their hands...
  19. I posted this picture in the chat... but I guess the chatbox is taking its vacation. So I'll share it with the rest of you. http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/3185/dscn0388p.jpg
  20. We used to have a nice chipper until a hammer fell in it. Used to have a nice hammer too.
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