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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Better question: Why are we not seeing more 1/4mile cars using turbine engines?
  2. I can't imagine that thing going very far... probably sucks gas like a hooker using a vacuum.
  3. He's my favorite guy in show business just because he knows how to have fun with his money. I love his tankcar.
  4. All the best cats I've ever seen were at the humane society..They had an incredible pair of matching siamese-mix cats that were unlike anything I've ever seen. Every pet I have right now was adopted from either a rescue group or animal shelter. Only exception was my old dog who we had to put down at 16 years old back in september. Best dog ever.
  5. I snowboard, but I havn't been out once this year. I have a snowday today (wednesday) so its a good excuse for me to go to mad river..
  6. http://www.asseenontvvideo.com/Billy-Mays.html Bottom two videos. The big ones. Full extended version + the making of. FAR funnier than vince.
  7. I present you with this. http://www.headostate.com/ http://www.headostate.com/images/template_nagel_07.png
  8. Who the fuck plays HL2 DM?.. Anyone play Garrys Mod 10? Seriously, theres a ton of fun game modes...
  9. Most of my middle school years were occupied by CS.. not like those years mattered anyways.
  10. Your probably right. These videos can be edited to make police departments look better, or sometimes they won't tell you the whole story. Heres a good example of that. "The tv show edited the video to make it seem like the cops got the kid. But look at min and then min , its the exact same location and they just slowed it down, added some sound effects and voila we got the kid. He got away! Dont believe everything you see on tv."
  11. Even with 4 more months people are going to put it off and still bitch about not having enough time.
  12. How about a new accord? It really can fill every requirement you have listed and will hold its value far longer than any other car recommended.
  13. The last model produced was 07, so I doubt you could get a ton of warranty out of it, not that you need it for these cars though. Fills all the criteria nicely though.
  14. Bringing back a few day old thread.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Volvo-850-R-1996-VOLVO850R-TURBO-SUPERB-MAINTENANCE-EXC-CONDITION_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQitemZ260349684512QQsspagenameZRSSQ3aBQ3aSRCHQ3aUSQ3a101 If anyone wants a fast beater...ECU upgrade takes that car pretty far. Those are around 240hp stock FYI.
  15. http://www.pbfcomics.com/archive_b/PBF103-Nice_Shirt.gif
  16. I don't even think you can get HD without the box. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
  17. Have you wife hit her car again, and proceed to miss the first court date.
  18. http://www.reuters.com/article/oddlyEnoughNews/idUSTRE50M4XT20090123
  19. I'd rather be killed on the spot.
  20. Hes just trying to get back the money hes wasted at stripclubs over the past few years..
  21. this this and this. In class we've spent the past 5 weeks going over US Torture and other things that have sprung out from the shithole known as iraq. The people held at Guantanamo are not all terrorist. There are some held (and even, killed there) under the age of 18. Don't believe me? Go to google. In fact, I'll go to google for you. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/americas/07/15/gitmo.tapes/index.html http://humanrights.ucdavis.edu/projects/the-guantanamo-testimonials-project/testimonies/testimomies-of-lawyers/afghan-at-guantanamo-seeks-dismissal-of-charges http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2970279.stm To be detained at Guantanamo, you don't need to convict a single crime. They can hold you there for whatever, and for however long they please. Your not on US soil, your not part of another army, you have no rights. One last thing - your mind wouldn't be so skewed if you didn't find your facts from foxnews.com
  22. http://ryanhallarn.com/images/freecat.jpg
  23. Too much torque to the mouse and transformation tool.
  24. May have been recorded by onstar. I've heard of it recording all that kind of data before and saving it when theres an accident.
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