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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. One shatters and makes for a disturbing video on the internet. The other one is a buttplug.
  2. so...how the hell does it turn?
  3. I was looking at temperatures this morning and saw -35 in montana. Cold front heading our way
  4. I wouldn't try to get out of it now after posting on here anyways...
  5. http://lolinter.net/apexseals.gif
  6. Damn you beat me to it. http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Television/Beavis-and-Butthead-7983.html lots of cool info on there.
  7. that pics sort of old. the wireless access point is now plugged in directly to the router and setup on a different subnet so if someone DOES manage to get past the RADIUS server security, they still can't touch computers on the wired network all my neighbors have their wireless unprotected though, so I'm either not going to be targeted or it looks like I have something to hide.
  8. you need a network like mine. grossly overpowered. http://ryanhallarn.com/images/network.jpg theres over a quarter mile of network cable going through my house + a wireless access point with the signal strength increased by a software mod. the router is using a modified version of IPCop.
  9. bad LAN driver? check windows update. If thats not a problem... go into the properties on that window and see if its set to automatically get an IP address. If it is, goto start -> run and type in cmd in the command prompt, type ipconfig /release then when thats done ipconfig /renew If none of that works... post again and i'll write more.
  10. I'll play any of these. Never played halo but I should be good enough. I kickass as UT3 and TF2.
  11. I don't know what the purpose is but.... well I don't really care what the purpose is but I want to try it. That could be a interesting way of breaching a door... I'd say they are in mexico btw.
  12. http://i38.tinypic.com/k0ri48.jpg
  13. Defragmenting every once in a while will do wonders..
  14. Paypal offers NO fraud protection on online or virtual goods, and they completely discourage you from using the service for it. I worked for a online virtual world as a community helper and we had lots of people complaining how they got scammed with paypal. In the end, we would just close both the accounts for breaching TOS.
  15. Iaconos pizza anyone? They have awesome subs too.
  16. Some of you may have seen this on jalopnik already... http://jalopnik.com/5102534/massive-secret-mustang-junkyard-found-in-rhode-island-forest http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/2008/12/custom_1228491046304_DSCF2990.jpg To put into perspective how many cars are there.. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=60+weaver+hill+rd,+west+greenwich+ri&sll=41.648064,-71.626031&sspn=0.007536,0.013819&g=60+weaver+hill+rd,+west+greenwich+ri&ie=UTF8&t=h&ll=41.639136,-71.635349&spn=0.003219,0.006974&z=18
  17. easy mac, grilled cheese, bagel, hot pockets, ramen.
  18. couple of days ago I paid this for premium at kroger with a nice discount. http://www.ryanhallarn.com/wp-photos/20081202-154009-1.jpg
  19. Well...certainly wouldnt want to rear-end a truck with that hanging off the back of it.
  20. This weeks been full of shit thats just going to continue to be repressed by my brain. 1 guy 1 cup, this, and another beheading video.
  21. I wish I had one when I was 5... Looks like a scaled down version of a pro you got there
  22. related: when is time warner going to get decent DVR boxes? These newer ones they have are the shittiest pieces of hardware I've ever dealt with.
  23. someone knows how to have a good time
  24. are you sure? for about 4 months I had new front tires and old rear tires. Not sure where you heard that but maybe thats for older volvos?
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