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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Other than being able to watch tv while sitting in a bathtub, the bathroom is sort of plain. Although thats a pretty cool room.
  2. FWD. I have 80k miles on mine now and no major problems. Most expensive thing I've done is oil changes and transmission fluid flush. Some of the engine mounts generally need replaced after a while but the ones that go bad are easy to get to and cheap. The aftermarket isn't that great. Everything you could want is out there but because there isnt much competition the prices are sort of high, but for $3000 more you should be able to go above 400hp. Couldn't tell you what to look for specifically on an s60r. The S60 and S60R forums are two different places most of the time.
  3. S60 driver here. I've never drivin an R but I bet it would just kick ass. I love how my S60 handles, can't imagine how nice it would be to drive an R. In fact, I should never drive one or I would probably be sad every time I get into my car. Be aware that the torque is limited to 250 in early S60R's but I think thats only for the autos.
  4. http://www.johnsondiversey.com/NR/rdonlyres/E2D6BD23-6D99-4D31-A407-25469B139BC8/0/Raid.gif
  5. I got a USA-Spec because its one of the few brands that makes one for volvos. Although, I get a lot of static with mine with an ipod touch. Maybe other ipods too, I havn't tested it fully. I think my unit is just a tad defective, otherwise it works great it plugs in to where the cd changer would plug in on the head unit.
  6. One of the things I absolutely hate about spiders is female spiders. Why? They are generally larger. Ever step on a spider, and have tons of baby spiders run out of? Disgusting shit.
  7. I had one of these in front of my house a couple years ago. http://i35.tinypic.com/3522j5c.jpg http://i36.tinypic.com/ok0meu.jpg its this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argiope_aurantia
  8. I wonder how smart those salamanders are..
  9. Beautiful looking car... 400hp V8 engine in a roadster... Curb weight 3,494 lb (1,585 kg) wat???
  10. Who else heard about this? http://www.wtte28.com/shared/newsroom/top_stories/wtte_vid_1208.shtml Guy robs a bank, a guy follows the car and call police. Police catch up to him so he shoots him self. My brother was on his way to work this morning and saw police swarming the 5/3 bank on henderson across from ritas.
  11. My Mom picked out a new dog from there. good site, but can't say I approve of the little shit machine she brought home.
  12. Except they aren't trendy and I spend my days making fun of them because they are little pussies that won't do shit about it anyways.
  13. Go watch the movie Ghost of Abu Ghraib. By the way, the US definition of torture is anything short of "organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death"
  14. The garmin I have does have a battery with decent life if you want to walk around with it. The battery life isn't really comparable to a handheld one though. You could make due by turning it on for a few minutes and find where you are and just head in a general direction I guess.
  15. I love seeing videos of those things. Although I can't help but think how terrible turning would be with those, especially if you hit a patch of asphalt.
  16. Sounds like you got an adware problem. Install adaware and do a scan. Fixes most problem but it isn't a solution to everything.
  17. Last christmas we bought my mom a Garmin 250W. Everyone in the family uses it occasionally and it works great. Its really accurate and has good turn by turn directions. You can even search for locations. I don't think we pay a monthly fee, and you can find similar units for around $200. I'd go with something more updated though. Its the only one I've had a lot of experience with but I think its a good unit my self. How much are you looking to spend? Newegg has this bad boy for $400 and has a street view feature built in with tons of other features. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16858108337
  18. What part of the turbo is the 'vane' ? Something I just thought of, how could you a variable nozzle like this http://attach.high-g.net/attachments/pw_nozzle.jpg onto a turbocharger?
  19. If you need help getting leopard on it let me know. I've done a few leopard hackjobs in the past
  20. Because your stuck with a 1.6ghz atom processor I'd recommend going 2GB on the ram. Should smooth things out a lot. You could probably stretch the battery life pretty far on leopard if you turn off all the video effects and such.
  21. You could install XP on it... or you could do this http://uneasysilence.com/archive/2008/10/13519/ But anyways, if your just using it for traveling, ubuntu is very easy to figure out. its pretty simple, and should include 99% of the apps you'll need for on the go stuff.
  22. It brings a new meaning to "shop till you drop"
  23. I'm surprised the table didn't break when she stood on it.
  24. unfunnyryan


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