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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I'll get light pictures tomorrow. Sun was down before I was finished tonight.
  2. I decided today (and yesterday) would be a good days to clean up my car. One thing I really wanted to do is get rid of the ugly wax stains and dirt in the trim of my car. The trim is textured and its sort of porous, so in the past when I was careless it would absorb wax and gunk. Heres the drivers door yesterday before I got started. http://i40.tinypic.com/33ffbzt.jpg You can see the white spots where wax hit it and dried up. Mothers back to black would just mask it but would not get it out. Heres todays result. Shiny, smooth, and the trim is flawless. The only thing I have used on it is JIF Peanut Butter rubbed in with a latex glove, then wiped off with paper towels. I was shocked at how much stuff the peanut oils were lifting out of the trim, as the paper towels were disgusting when I finished. http://i44.tinypic.com/nnocpf.jpg Heres another picture just for the hell of it. http://i39.tinypic.com/29mm2vc.jpg
  3. I want to know what he did with a few million match heads..
  4. http://i39.tinypic.com/rizuvk.jpg Billy mays is way better than Vince the shamwow dick. I mean, the guy talks in fucking caps lock. You ever pay attention to his commericals? "HI, BILLY FUCKING MAYS HERE AND I'M ABOUT TO BLOW YOUR FUCKING MIND WITH THIS BADASS PIECE OF SHIT" Oh yeah, can't forget this. http://i40.tinypic.com/245alnt.gif
  5. http://i39.tinypic.com/zuiff5.jpg
  6. What a stupid little fucker. I hope he lives just so he can spend the rest of his life in a prison cell.
  7. The car in the video uses the first gen s60 T5 engine, which is 247hp 240ft-lbs. The later ones, 2005+, make 256hp 260ft-lbs. Not astonishing, but thats still faster than the crown vics here, and plenty faster than most of the tiny cars you get in the uk. As for them turning around slowly - S60's have an AWFUL turning radius. Look it up.
  8. If anyone wants to play L4D via steam add me rshallarn@columbus.rr.com
  9. Meh. Seems like they weren't going to live forever anyways.
  10. the original uploaded video has background information. He still got the 360, the parents just had fun with him first.
  11. cell phone picture of what i gave my friend. http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/4527/1224081801vc3.jpg the look on his face was priceless.
  12. PC or 360? I'll play PC with you. My brother might buy it for 360.
  13. I never imagined this could work so well.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG3xEIbptWU
  14. unfunnyryan

    Fuck work

    I just spent a week editing 12 highschool football games and getting all the clips of one person I can so they can try to get a scholarship...shit gets boring reallll quick.. And thank god I have a quad-core to work on. I can't see my self dealing with this shit on anything else.
  15. Our radio stations here suck. Anywhere outside of Ohio they actually play good music. It all went downhill when they became the rock anyways..
  16. If weathers good I think I'll bite the bullet and make the drive up there. Sounds like a blast.
  17. god damn that thing looks like its new from the factory. awesome car
  18. Air compressor is in my basement. A hose runs to the garage and plugs into a spool on the wall. I don't know what brand the compressor is but its an old 40 gallon with a 3hp electric motor. its been in the house longer than me and it still runs strong.
  19. http://jalopnik.com/5113462/earths-rotation-threatened-by-too-much-boost http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/2008/12/custom_1229625816605_Spiro_Pappas_9_Camaro_Z28_RS_Super_Street_071.jpg
  20. http://www.1320video3.com/vids/RealTTVette.wmv real video.
  21. Best case scenario if they start storing food in your car you could hope a little bit of coolant leaks onto it
  22. good tires vs bad tires 2wd vs 4wd that video sums it up pretty well. some of the SUVs went up no trouble at all
  23. Having a nice big dog is the best deterrent by far. Someone could shoot you and leave a clean wound that disables you, but a dog doesn't have much mercy.
  24. inventive little creatures... glad i got 2 cats.
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