I decided today (and yesterday) would be a good days to clean up my car. One thing I really wanted to do is get rid of the ugly wax stains and dirt in the trim of my car. The trim is textured and its sort of porous, so in the past when I was careless it would absorb wax and gunk.
Heres the drivers door yesterday before I got started.
You can see the white spots where wax hit it and dried up. Mothers back to black would just mask it but would not get it out.
Heres todays result. Shiny, smooth, and the trim is flawless. The only thing I have used on it is JIF Peanut Butter rubbed in with a latex glove, then wiped off with paper towels. I was shocked at how much stuff the peanut oils were lifting out of the trim, as the paper towels were disgusting when I finished.
Heres another picture just for the hell of it.