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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. done this twice to monitors excerpting same symptoms. First DVI went, then VGA. Faulty caps in both.
  2. 53 views and no bites. I'll show my ex's tits to whomever buys..or $90.
  3. which is quite fairly priced btw. My past job entailed nothing but pricing used items, and was right in the ball park of my work. glws.
  4. GTA:V should be the most groundbreaking argument yet that videogames are a work of art.
  5. Yes, it works. Except for the right speaker, it is blown. It is configured to only play through the left speaker and it works/sounds fine. TV is about 7 months old. Here it is at microcenter for $280 http://www.microcenter.com/product/418027/40_LED_HDTV_Refurbished http://i.imgur.com/DOhgNGsl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zmzgTAkl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/iVbAUPHl.jpg
  6. About 8 years old, but was in parents bedroom and had light use. Back in 2005, this was a high end TV (selling for around $1500-2000) with a lamp life rated at 60,000 hours, or about 7 straight years. Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/vTNV2
  7. Rotates 90 degrees, but requires gateway software to make windows automatically adjust. Was a pretty expensive display back in its day. CR 90, CL 140 http://i.imgur.com/xRb506il.jpg http://i.imgur.com/wg9rxrel.jpg
  8. yes upper arlington by osu golf course
  9. Used for a little bit of CCNA practice. Very much like new condition. $30 CR $45 CL http://i.imgur.com/jrWPRNrl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pTByEAEl.jpg
  10. Smart TVs all around, never used anymore. Camera flash shows finger prints, otherwise unit looks fantastic. $25 CR $30 CL http://i.imgur.com/zebzvNYl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xYZD18Bl.jpg
  11. Upgraded a while ago. $40 CR $50 CL http://i.imgur.com/oOiI5iZl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/b3wWFgPl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/MDzOB65l.jpg
  12. If someone pays for it I have two servers that I can push the stream to...
  13. ...and another 11 months passes with no 22lr in stock anywhere...
  14. run the IMEI on http://www.swappa.com/esn
  15. Sprints 3G is picking up quite impressively in certain areas with the NV upgrades. 4G comes shortly after the NV 3G goes online.
  16. Good thing they patented it so I dont have to worry about this shit on android INNOVATION we talked about this in one of my classes, it's quite illegal and the FCC does investigate the use of such devices. If you know of a school doing so, have a little fun and report it here http://www.fcc.gov/complaints Here is a PDF on the subject. http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-304575A1.pdf
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