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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Moving soon, cut prices by about half. Come and get em.
  2. There are more updated videos here http://www.subaru.com/engineering/all-wheel-drive.html
  3. Considering I only have 2 PCI-E 16x slots I can use for video cards, you're probably right. I'm still within return period for one of my cards and can sell my other to my roommate. Let me know what time works for you in a week or so when I'm free'd up.
  4. I've had a few of these in at my work, and have had to describe them to a multitude of customers. The best I can say is, if you can score a used new one under $250, you're getting a pretty good bargain for a good portable internet machine. If you dont do more than email, writing, and even some intensive web browsing, they are fairly good machines for the money. FAR better than windows based netbooks for similar purposes.
  5. How many is several..? Let me throw my 6970s on craigslist, and put me down for one.
  6. albino something. the white legs and beak are a giveaway
  7. Yep. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/07/10/first-drone-landing-aircraft-carrier/2507061/
  8. Does this mean clays test drive threads are going to come back? http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Its-Happening-Ron-Paul-Rave-Reaction-Gif.gif
  9. considering how much the KKK is involved with drug trade and human trafficking, you're probably right. I like how the website doesnt exist.
  10. http://i.imgur.com/lg4WWx3.gif
  11. >hp http://i.imgur.com/mg5oY4B.jpg
  12. If only it were so easy... http://i.imgur.com/BEcR1Av.jpg
  13. That part sounds suspicious to me, even if it is legit.
  14. I'd say that's a good sign that they are going to be pretty happy together.
  15. I'm going to be free most of the day Thursday. I'll be at LEPD as well at some point tomorrow. If anyone wants to meet, PM me for phone number.
  16. black people are funnier than white people.
  17. $40 OBO Owned since I think ~January 2011, bought at microcenter while I worked there. Has been installed in one system. Ran a i5 2500k with a 6970 without a hiccup. Now i have a second 6970, so I upped to something a bit overkill because I'm a retard. The OEM of this PSU is Seasonic, who produces some of the highest quality PSUs on the market. Had I not gone crossfire, I would have had zero intention of getting rid of this PSU. edit: this is NOT the modular version.
  18. Only because you asked first. All the "lightning" cables are for the 5/ipad4/ipad mini I know something went down with HD last weekend, but if that takes off again I'll meet there with a trunk full. This is what I have in "loose" cable that I'd take with me to HD/meetups http://i.imgur.com/UghQGUol.jpg
  19. Bump. I'm moving soon and want these out of my closet. Prices cut heavily. Shipping will be considered. I bought a ton of these direct from china to sell to my work and a few other vendors. Long story short, I have a lot of these left over. They aren't as good of quality as the real deal, but they are good for the price. 8 pin Lightning 3ft cable - $2 each, 3 for $5 8 pin Lightning 6ft cable - $2.5 each, 5 for $10 8 pin Lightning 9ft cable - $3 each, 4 for $10 8 pin Lightning 15ft cable - $4 each, 3 for $10 8 pin Lightning to 30 pin adapter - $1 each (these do not work with ipod docks and many other accessories. this is a limitation of the lightning connector, not the adapter) 30 pin apple 3ft cable - $1 each - these and the ones below dont work with ipads for some odd fucking reason. 30 pin apple 6ft cable - $1 each When we meet up, please bring a device with you and test some of the cables to ensure they all work with your device.
  20. Sounds like his ego got shoved up his asshole.
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