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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Can you post or PM me the code? Looks like a really simple error.
  2. Get him into programming. Buy him an Arduino kit, something like this http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0389816 It will let him learn programming in a hands on environment. It will let him see immediate results with what he had just done, which is the best way to learn in these circumstances. I till also give him some basic knowledge on electrical engineering It is REALLY easy to pick up on - there is a ton of documentation on it as well as guides for absolute beginners. If you have any other questions PM me. I've done a few big projects using Arduinos, and am confident I can answer any questions The greatest motivation here is having something to apply it to. My first major project was a hot tub controller. You can do anything, from door security, motion sensors, pressure pads (like under a mousepad, to see if someone moved a mouse) light change detection, and way more. If you have an idea of something to implement, it can be done.
  3. which is only about 3% more expensive than gas right now. ...containing 15% more energy by volume.
  4. Computer processors have a metal heat spreader over them that protects the actual CPU die. Some people will either remove this or shave it down to make it thinner/smoother to improve heat transfer. Same thing is done to the surface of the heatsink. It's at the deepend of being a enthusiast though.
  5. https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp Get one free report from each agency each year. It's the only gov authorized site to use for a free report.
  6. Proof all religion is flawed. http://i.imgur.com/ALfR6.png
  7. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/104253/joseph-smith-part-1 http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/104256/joseph-smith-part-2 http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/104257/joseph-smith-part-3 http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/154257/joseph-smith-part-4
  8. When do you guys think you'll get your certification? I'd do it for sure.
  9. Bills gamblin hall is cool but I swear the craps tables are rigged there. O'shays, if its still around (next to flamingo) is one of the best little places to visit. Best live music, by far.
  10. Because military has to follow NATO rules. Security personnel do not.
  11. http://images.wikia.com/mlp/images/1/16/OH_YOU.jpg
  12. yep. this doesn't mean shit. he is just a tool for getting more votes.
  13. If people flake I want in on this. I know how to replace the innards of these, and I'm moving soon and this would be perfect
  14. correction to everyone in this thread $0.00
  15. those bearings look like shit
  16. The idea is that you don't have to get over as far, and the side of the jeep now 6 feet in the air will go over the moose.
  17. Is that the one with the full cage that is hidden away really well?
  18. Can't bother getting accurate textbooks made for the schools though :masturboy:
  19. My parents have a TINY 1.5hp (about 1kw) two stroke generator sitting around. It has 12volt out as well. I'd love to hook it up to one of these and make a hybrid combination (electric drive, small battery acting as capacitor, generator for continued power)
  20. hp :dumb: shittiest batteries in the business. When I worked at microcenter I'd sell a couple hundred dollars worth of HP batteries a day.
  21. you're SICK for even saying that could happen. I hope you burn in hell.
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