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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. buy erics in exchange for hookers and blow
  2. My dad just got a bunch of very long boards from Linworth Lumber, has been getting wood from there for some time now.
  3. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1342567 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1518519
  4. hahah holy shit. alex you should sue for them using your likeness without permission.
  5. bad part is she has the intelligence of a 7th grader and the vocabulary of a cat in heat
  6. are you looking to run it as an app or as a web app?
  7. Yes, attach it to the bill the internet hates, that'll get it to pass.
  8. Aguila has a really good reputation, especially with some specialty rounds (their 22s come to mind) If I didn't just blow a bunch of money on reloading equipment I'd order a case.
  9. You think the judge knows shit about guns? This guy could have: Bought another gun Responsibly stored the gun Left the gun unloaded Had a safety device/lock on the gun Not left the gun in his car Raised a kid with better aim or taught him to go for the head, eliminating these problems. Sadly, with how gun ignorant and intolerant Cali is, I'm sure this will move on to more judges with their eyeballs so full of dicks that Glock will spend millions of dollars in legal fees and either Pay the fucker a bunch of money Not pay the fucker a bunch of money, and lose money on legal fees Settle out of court and pay the fucker a bunch of money Seriously, fuck this guy. This isn't as bad as the woman suing in the Aurora case but this was his own fucking fault. I hope Glock countersues and wins the case forcing the guys son to go to a juvenile detention center for 15 years. Real good parenting, dad.
  10. 1gbit upload holy fuck I'd build a few boxes with i7s and host TF2/minecraft/dayz servers whatevers pulling in money and use it to pay my bills.
  11. It's fake. The higher res image shows how poorly goobys nose was shopped.
  12. Did they ship it in that box? That's nothing more than a retail box. Fuck that.
  13. http://ryanhallarn.com/memes/galleries/jimmies/328352-that-really-rustled-my-jimmies.jpg
  14. You probably shouldn't mess with someones brakes.
  15. http://ryanhallarn.com/memes/galleries/jimmies/tumblr_m2uw2ksdy21rqw8dfo3_400.png
  16. Besides, violent crime has been going down while firearm ownership has been going up. States allowing CCW have made things even better. It's just a media shitstorm for the sake of ratings. No one will give a fuck in another week. Firearms regulation wont stop anything. California, NJ, NY, should of learned this by now. Poor economy (guy couldnt find job), lack of social wellness programs, etc, are what drive people to insanity and make them shoot up movie theaters. His mom said she wasn't surprised to hear the kid did this, and limiting access to firearms wouldn't have stopped him. Fixing problems with our society is what will solve the problem.
  17. That'll probably happen again as we get closer to election season, or post election, regardless of who wins. There is speculation that Obama would use 2nd term to do a gun ban, despite him saying in the past that he doesn't want involved with gun culture. Romney has a supposed negative gun stance, but again, you can only speculate what will happen. It's the same thing that drives gas prices up that'll happen here. If you got spare cash go pick up some cheap ARs, you'll make money.
  18. Design seems smart, easy to machine, and effective. What's the price range for them?
  19. No. Don't buy ammo in bulk and cause a potential weapons ban panic/shortage.
  20. My dad has been taking southwest several times a year from here to Vegas for close to a decade now, never a problem.
  21. that isn't a bike thats a fucking space ship.
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