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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Dear Mr. Obama

    This was Hal BTW. Obviously, I don't care if it's a repost. Now I'm off to the shadows. I trust the video will say enough.
  2. Ash

    Lets bring hal back.

    PS. Everything he said was a joke. He'd just sit and laugh about all those dumb threads. He says Kenny hit the nail on the head.
  3. Ash


    No high five for you.
  4. Ash


    Nope, it's still you failing at getting real sex.
  5. Ash


    Your hand doesn't count, Phil.
  6. Ash


    Thanks! :asshole:
  7. Ash


    Aaawwww, how sweet.
  8. Ash


    He likes us, we're good!
  9. Ash


    Sounds good, I'll text her tomorrow then you can tell Hal right before! Maybe we can stay in Hilliard this time. lol
  10. Ash


    I love when you guys treat! I don't know when is good. Later Saturday night I guess? Text Hal. Oh, you guys will get to see my new car!
  11. Ash


    He's such a sweetheart.
  12. Ash


    So where did he say you were beneath him?
  13. Ash


    HA HA. I don't know where you live. Sorry!
  14. Ash


    Well I'm not dealing with it. That's his shit, not mine.
  15. Ash


    I still hate your typing. lol
  16. Ash


    He's not going to read this so why bitch at me?
  17. Ash


    He's at work until 11.
  18. Ash


    He's not angry. It's just a bunch of BS. He said its not a car enthusiast site anymore.
  19. Ash


    This made me laugh!
  20. Ash

    Home Child Care?

    You should look into ODJFS. If you want to make a decent amount of money, you should look into getting your home licensed. Action for Children helps with this. The amount of children you can have depends on A) If you are licensed B) The age of the children you have C) The amount of adults you have there at all times. If you are going to have younger children, you need to have different areas for them. I believe you need to have areas of the house that are just for them. You need to have cribs for children under 18 months or cots (maybe beds) for children over 18 months. Look up the licensing rules and regulations for Type A and Type B homes. ODJFS and Action for Children are great sources for helping to get your started. Good luck!
  21. ok... Hal has never had financial aid. He is going off of what has happened for me. lol If it's not too late to drop the class you should drop. You can't risk getting kicked out of CSCC. It is super late in the quarter and I wouldn't risk it. If you do drop it, you probably won't lose your loans. I had to drop a class while at CSCC and I dropped under full time. They did not take away my loans. However, I was not on probation so I am not 100% on that fact. Talk to your advisor and see what they say.
  22. Welcome! Your car is really nice!
  23. Ash


    Welcome! I met you at the Mustang show! I'm glad you joined!
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