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Everything posted by Ash

  1. Ash

    Friday 8/8/08- DTM

    You know we win over mopar! lol
  2. Ash

    Friday 8/8/08- DTM

    How am I crapping in it? I was asking a question about the plans.
  3. Ash

    Friday 8/8/08- DTM

    Are you bailing on our later plans?
  4. She was only going 25 around the turn and it magically flipped.
  5. Ash


    Or we will be doing something else that is fair!
  6. Ash


    Ha ha sounds good. Now it's locked in, Hal.
  7. I'm glad you are ok and your kids weren't in the car.
  8. Ash


    Wrong! Not locked. Do I like guns? Will I shoot a gun? Will I make a bet that I have no chance of winning? All of these questions are answered the same, NO! Why don't you guys just get us drunk. You know what happens then.
  9. Ash


    They would have to be alive and not injured by the end!
  10. Ash


    Not fair! How about who can take care of a baby the best? HA! I would SO own you both!
  11. Ash


    Well if you were here with us... lol
  12. Ash


    That wasn't Hal, Val told me they are nice so I looked one time. Sssshhhh don't tell either of them! I don't want Hal to get jealous that I was looking at his boyfriend.
  13. Ash


    West side. They were there during and after the car show in June. They didn't make it out to the east side because they are losers!!!
  14. Ash


    I don't think she was there that night.
  15. Ash


    You have nice ones! I can't blame him.
  16. Ash


    Honey, she's been around almost as long as me. lol
  17. Thanks Brian. I'm glad I finally got a formal introduction with Lauren. We'll see you soon probably!
  18. Welcome your girlfriend, ass. Welcome.
  19. Ash


    Triple # 2 for me! Also, thanks I guess? lol
  20. Ash


    HA! Those videos are gone now. LMAO!
  21. Ash


    I'll just leghump her then! Nice boobs Rach!! PS Welcome, it's about time!!
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