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Everything posted by Ash

  1. I'd go for Anthony buying us magna fries.
  2. I agree with Polaris. It's my birthday weekend, I get to pick! Bitches!
  3. Hooters on 161 doesn't exist anymore. Edit: Depending on who is going we might be out. (So Hal doesn't hate me!)
  4. Congrats Brian!!!! I'm really happy for you!
  5. It works because I will only get to see you for a short amount of time on my actual birthday and we have my family party Saturday. Plus it's me and you know how I am!
  6. This weekend? Are we forgetting it's my birthday this weekend?
  7. Or just being friends with him.
  8. :chill: Go work! Call me when you go on break!
  9. Whatever works. lol Something got me to senior member!
  10. That is what happens when Anthony likes you.
  11. He is cool; cooler than you! :asshole:
  12. Ash

    Sexism on CR??

    I work with all women and it's annoying. When I worked with a lot of guys it was annoying too. Conclusion: People you work with are annoying, no matter what sex they are.
  13. Ash

    Fuck You...

  14. Ash

    Fuck You...

    I'm bored with you. You win.
  15. Ash

    Fuck You...

    Yeah yeah yeah....you love me anyway! You usually spend more money than me so STFU!
  16. Ash

    Fuck You...

    I'll come over but I'm not getting punched in the stomach. Fuck that shit!
  17. Ash

    Fuck You...

    That doesn't work if I'm not pregnant!
  18. Ash

    Fuck You...

    Honey, you are so angry! Do you need a hug?
  19. I'll be 20 in 10 days!
  20. I'm cooler, that's why he asked me.
  21. LMAO! I can shift from 1st to 2nd. I can also take 2 minutes to get the car moving. Lol Short answer is no. Sorry
  22. Thanks! Anthony name raped me. Lol
  23. We have a Garmin, fuck following people.
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