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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. LOL at pedo-bear!!! Ok, im gonna get some more info and ill let you guys know what's up
  2. Sweet. Well i got semi-denied for a sponsor ship by Germain. The answer i got was "We typically don't do things like that......." Da fuck? lol
  3. GET HIM ERICA!!!! Just cause it's a wedding i'd feel obligated to have cake
  4. Jizzle Juice


    Any interest in playing fall ball? I know the games our on sundays, not sure on prices yet but i know a few people said they'd be down. I really wanna get my own team since the team i played summer ball for the coach didn't know where to put everyone and it pretty much sucked. Im trying to see if Germain will sponsor our team or if there are any sponsors on here that would be willing to help. I wanna win so if you dont plan on winning then dont plan on joining. Open to team names and colors at this point. There is a just male league and a co-op one as well, so if you have spouses that wanna play and can hold there own then lets do it!
  5. IOh i know it sucks i just thought a lil positive humor would make him smile and not think about it for about 2.8 secs thats all
  6. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-9MaMAoFARDt/p_305TR46X3B/Samsung-TR46X3SB.html Brian if everyone else passes on it ill take it
  7. Jizzle Juice

    Shift 2

    are those suppose to be flipped? but it looks pretty good i may get it
  8. i was gonna say what tech! :gabe:
  9. Yeah he's ghey! Revved it up as he was leaving too. PHAG!
  10. Yeah! What he said! Sorry about the flood man that sucks. And wagner should of said i feel your Payne :gabe:
  11. Paul tends to think anything he has consumed is the best evar! Im not off till maybe 7 and im showing pre gaming and going cougar hunting hopefully
  12. .........Who the fuck are you.......
  13. i look like a member of the klumps haha
  14. Maybe if you come out you'd know! Anyways, dover ask kid to race kid acts all cool about having a Ford GT. Dover acts like dover and bullies kid till he admits he's a puss and doesnt race. Kid says dad trust me cause i dont hot rod. But earlier kid came in revving it to the limiter. Leaves acts all stupid, you can here him flying down the street. Dover and I leave and sees him pulled over by the cops and dover yells "Daddies gonna be pissed lol. Funny stuff.
  15. LOL, thanks. I read that LX thread about the GT40 engine and continued it in my post
  16. It's red. Dad is the designer of that bodystyle i guess. Dad is suppose to be cool raced kipp down morse lol
  17. Dover has them, ill have him upload it
  18. Got pulled over by cops! :lolguy: Says he doesnt hotrod he's dads car, but non the less his ass was pulled over. The best part was dover driving by saying "Daddies gonna be PISSED" lol This is one of those being there type things while kid acted hard shit and revved the fuck out of the car.......
  19. Ive had a couple incidents with cops and they were hella cool, well until the chick wouldnt listen so they put her face on the hot hood :lolguy:
  20. I shot a XD 9mm this past weds, it was fun and nice! I'm not a huge gun person but damn that thing had a lil kick
  21. Regardless what happens with paul, he is still my friend, well we shall see after us going back and forth today lol
  22. NICE!!!! I hope they crash one soon!!
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