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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. We are giving them away at work....well more of a raffle. Im pissed cause they wont give me any!!! I may know someone interested in one as well. I'll pass this along
  2. Wow, you guys seem a lil high strung. Like TeePee and gnomes are gonna hurt your lawn? lol. i get the whole thinking someone is gonna rob you and whatnot but, your comment seems a lil too much IMO
  3. I WANT IN!!! on jones that is! FUCKER!!
  4. Jizzle Juice


    This thread flipped real fast........
  5. I lived in Wales for about 3 months after i graduated. Fun times over seas, the women LOVE american accents. Went to London, prague and bathe. It rained alot.
  6. I like the red, it's not the color you see everyday. Welcome
  7. If we can't get sponsored do you guys have a problem paying??
  8. DAMN YOU!!! I sell cars!!!! grrrr
  9. Wait, i asked jess, she kinda shot me down softly And i didnt know you were on the bored....small world
  10. And i may be steering away from sundays as we have flag footbal on those days
  11. Can a mod make a poll. Mon-sun so everyone can vote on night works best. So therefore it will also determine what league we do also. TIA
  12. Steve and Paul eat shit. I know neither of you are racist(well i think you arent at least not to my face) but still no need to even post shit like that, it pisses people off like myself. Just a FYI. Cause knowing is have the battle......G.I. JOE And yes chris im black y'all! CB4 FTW And i agree with Phil......
  13. Well im talking to leigh and phil, i know my dude steve said he'd be down so is your bro gonna QB orrrr.....
  14. justin fix the link we can edit your post
  15. Damn is it too late to play or we good to go? text me 10x faster lol plus im at work and i wanna figure this out asap
  16. This sunday?? And i know dover will be down also leigh and phil. Lemme know
  17. I agree with ya on this one sir
  18. IDK about one pitch the league io just got done doing had you start with a 1-1 count. If a guy got walked he got 2 bases girl one. Fouls were counted as strike even on 3rd strike. Home-runs equaled outs, couldnt steal until ball was hit and under hand slow pitch was how it went down
  19. Yeah i noticed that someone gave me false info before i looked myself. It really depends on what night works for everyone who wants to play. If we dont get enough for comp then i'll just do rec.
  20. http://www.crpdsports.org/Fall%20Softball/2011/2011%20Fall%20Softball.pdf Info
  21. lol, yeah that could be a problem, and I personally wanna play comp, i love comp play and i hate to lose so i always play my hardest. But it also depends on if the people playing wanna p;ay comp and they are 1000% committed. I only wanna fill the roster to having two extra people so therefore everyone plays and doesnt feel left out. Im not oppose to having someone else help out with this either. This by no means will be "my" team it will be our team. If your fucking up at a certain postion then we would need to move your ass simple as that. I know my strong point is in the outfield im fast and can read the ball really well. I have power but im more of a line driver than a home run hitter. Sorry for ranting lol. But seriously it all depends on what the team wants to play
  22. I said co-ed just in case there were counter parts that actually wanna play, im not sexest and wanted that to be known, and you can win with a co-ed team you just need good women also. And the league is at berliner park.
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