Basically, ive never seen a car that is as consistant and inconsistant at the same time, as my firebird. For exapmle, last week, i hot lapped 3 time trials before eliminations at trails. All 3 passes were 14.21x. The car stay pretty close to that most of the night to. Then we get down to the quarter finals and my dad tells me his car picked up a little bit so i may want to dial in a little quicker, so i dropped it a couple hundredths (he ran about 2 hundredths quicker). Needless to say i was dialed in at 14.21 and ran a 14.15 while on the brakes pretty good. Same crap last night. Dad says he slowed down a couple hundredths. I was dialed in at 14.27 and ran 14.44. Is there any thing i can do or am i just SOL?