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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. This ladies and gentlemen is a stud. He infracted himself. Honestly I don't know how I haven't gotten any yet. I so boring.
  2. Bricks + Burlap Sack + Body of Water = Profit
  3. Tellin ya dude, sitting back and watching has been way more fun. Man I wish I was thin. I think I'm gonna take up killing cats for exercise. I've read there is quite a market in it. Plus the overhead would be super low. I work near an old brick plant. I'm sure they could be put to use.
  4. Maaaybe.... Not at all. Been too busy to do anything. I R not happy.
  5. Second one for sure. Tungsten is awesome. I bought mine as a replacement for a silver band. If your active and never take that stuff off you'll never have to worry about it getting torn up.
  6. I prefer the scenery in Cambodia, and Bosnia personally. That and the cheap Lobster Dinners. Let the gapings begin....
  7. Most of the signs do say that, there are a few places that do allow it. One of those "Unless noted" rules I suppose.
  8. I tried taking all three kids at once last year, and that was a huge waste of time. I've learned to plan different activities for each.
  9. What are rules regarding passengers? Age limits and what not.
  10. My six year old might have the patience for it if it's just he and I. The other two no way. The five year old will want to gossip the whole time, and the 12 year old would rather go scavenging along the bank.
  11. What's really important here is whether or not you were on three wheels when you did it. Make that turn like a boss. One point though, was it marked as a no u-turn area? With the car lots and what not over there it likely happens quite a bit.
  12. No need to get all religious about it. Geez. RX7 'gon get raped. Muhahahahah
  13. How did you get him to sit still long enough to make a catch? I took my kids last year and it lasted all of twenty minutes.
  14. Hurry up ans bury that post
  15. I am not impressed. Ten pounds+Big Blue Bottle+Patter$on= Rapage of Junk Shit RX7 Real Fuckin Talk.
  16. Check Sears. I think theirs is for a 3/4" drive though.
  17. Wish I could have stayed longer. Good time as always.
  18. Make it all better. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gx7OZdt7Uhs/TPE00Nbov4I/AAAAAAAAFOo/evLWVH2xTp0/s1600/Keira+Knightley+hot+and+sexy.jpg
  19. Patterson


    Look at the pic and shake your phone really fast. Don't drop it in the toilet though.
  20. Patterson


    LULZ, that's just wrong. But very funny.
  21. Kevin's Car Repair in Westerville, 614-794-6363
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