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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Im lookin for 245's 275's, sorry. I would of went with a 235 275, but im gonna have to pass on the 225 255.
  2. There were 3 n that lil teggy lol
  3. Would you be interested in letting 2 of the 235's go and 2 of the 275's go? I got 8's i front and 9.5's in the rear that needs tires badly.
  4. I like that commercial, now make it 5x HARDER to watch, (Im not sure if im sick or what) and then force EVERY SINGLE PERSON with a license to watch that video before they renew there license. I think there arn't enough of these be careful while driving videos, they need to make one with a drunk guy and some final destination shit happening. Whatever, fuck people who text and drive. Kinda irrelevant but theres a app for the blackberry where it reads texts to you / text to speech etc. I remember while reading thruogh the reviews for it some guy was like "I almost died last week trying to text n drive, so i got this"
  5. Insane, Mad, Crazy, none of those words can even begin to describe the guy that was driving that mustang @ 4:10.
  6. First of all i said go to crackberry.com Second, i didn't tell him to do anything, i was simply stating that mine was unlocked and i was using such n such. There are official non-ota releases on crackberry.com , and i have YET to encounter a problem with the BB Desktop Manager and ive been using hybrid software since dec 08 when i got the phone.
  7. Theres your problem. Now hurry up and go hop on crackberry.com and get your question answered by the pros! (Im running a 5.0 - hybrid on my storm and my gps is unlocked )
  8. A squirt from 2700 psi is no joke, i hit myself in the foot once with a 3200 psi one when i was powerwashing apartment buildings and through my boot it still hurt like a bitch. Also if i got within like a 5-6 foot range of the siding it would just rip it apart... I was also using the 90degree fan spray, not the 5 or 45 degree jets.
  9. Id paint there fence a god damn different color when they went to sleep, FUCK that. When you lend someone something it should come back in the exact same condition you lent it to them in, if not they're held responsible for the item. It was in THEIR possession. Fuck that id be pissed.
  10. Fubar231

    Pedo-Bear 600

    Awesome, now i got something to do while your working on my constantly broken car!
  11. Damn thats fake, but cool as hell lol.
  12. My guess would be its the aeromotive A1000 external fuel pump... Never know though.
  13. haha that was good. now back to the lurking... (Press's F5)
  14. Is ND2RACE's car missing the grill? It looks weird for some reason.
  15. I think cutting the grass, pulling some weeds and powerwashing that would make it look 10x better. Personally, i think before you go spend a bunch of money on a new deck/patio whatever, clean up what you got and see what you can do with it. You can see what could be a brick patio, but its covered in weeds. That and the other side is dirt... I worked in landscaping for a little over a year and you would be amazed how much better something can look just by pulling weeds, power washing the deck, cutting the grass then either laying down sod or making a flower bed or something. EDIT: Personally btw, i like wood patios. I like being up off the ground even if it is a foot. Although my friend has a badass back yard, where he has a round brick patio thing, with a pond/fountain kind of incorperated in it. They had a square brick patio like yours, removed 1 side so it was like ) and put a little plastic pond thing there, then finishd around the pond with just a little brick, basically a trim. I could probably get him to send me a picture of it, he also has a fire pit thing on the brick, looks real good.
  16. ahahahahahahahaha, saw you too paul That is not my car btw, just affiliated with him. (The neon does look good, especially without a wing)
  17. CMOS Checksum... DAMN that sounds familar... I think its your mobo. I'm like 95% positive thats what kept happening when my mobo was going out... Its Mobo or ram. RAM is so cheap now days anyways, i was at microcenter last week and they had 4gigs of kingston pc6400 for 37$. Only know this because my ram shat out last week and i went and picked some up.
  18. Rob's the shit. Seriously, car probs, take it to him. Thanks for installing the neo again rob.
  19. Not a mac person at all, but calling a OS Snow Leopard? hehe funny shit
  20. Rob? Gearhead? I know hes got a dock/dock door etc. Iuno if thats what your looking for.
  21. I must of left the rice fest before this happened... Last thing i remember was yellow ported rx7 ( blap blap blap blap blap blap *bigass backfire* blap blap blap blap blap ) I love how those cars sound haha.
  22. Thats fucking sweet. What kind of display are they using? Looks to be either a MoTeC or AIM... Anyways that car is fucking hella sweet.
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