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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. http://io9.com/5963263/how-nasa-will-build-its-very-first-warp-drive SCIENCE
  2. Did the vette motor already let go? Or are you just getting a block and prepping/building a built motor to swap in when its done.
  3. Pretty sure all that spice/k2/whatever crap is part of the JWh family. JWh13, JWh(XX) for numbers, i heard everytime they tried to make it illegal, theyd just change a little shit around (Hence the diff numbers) and put it back out.
  4. Fubar231

    Door dings

    Had someone hit my camaro with there door the other day while i was out, theres like 5-6 fucking scratches that are all white and pretty bold, some up to like 3 inches long. (Keep in mind this is on the body right where it makes the passenger door, the rear of the door by the handle) People fucking piss me off. If i would of noticed it when i got to my car, and if there would of still been a white car next to mine, i would of booted the fuck out of there car and made theres look horrible. Like MoJoe said above, own up to what you did and at least leave a fucking note with a number to get ahold of you on to get what you fucked up fixed properly. I completely agree with you here Brian. I hate dickheads that do that shit, and there has been times i can remember smashing peoples cars w/ doors due to them parking to close/hitting my car with theres. Shit when i had my old supra i didnt give a shit, but if i noticed more scratches when i got to my car, you better believe yours will have a lot more than mine. I know this isnt the right way to handle this but fuck it, they didnt take time to look at my car / leave a note or anything , you reap what you sow.
  5. I concur. If its middies, you could estimate at $600 a lb. If its estimated at any more than that, thats just ridiculous. If its some funky nugs, well your lookin at 3600-4k a lb. Anywhere from 92k to about 600k. Then again if your picking up 150 lbs they might cut you a better break than that. Either way, dude needs to lawyer up asap, and get a damn good one. Yeah it can be the funnest thing ever if your with a good group of people. Probably didn't have a good trip due to either the people you were with or the surroundings you were in, Granted i dont know how much you took. Also about the glowstick thing, one night when i was doing doses, i thought my glowsticks were neon tubes of fire. It was pretty crazy. Exactly. If your gonna go ahead and smoke something to get high, smoke the real thing thats been around for countless years. Why smoke some random plant sprayed with who knows what chemicles. I believe its the JWh or JBh family is that spice/k2 is in. Man my late teens were some crazy years.
  6. Fubar231

    Casey Anthony

    I still think she did it, or her and her father did it together, but i dont think it was an accident.
  7. That MR2 looks so clean, any build thread pics? Also i think ive seen that audi around. Need more info on cars though. +Rep for a decent intro
  8. Lookin good! Really need a full shot of the trailer from before though...
  9. Yeah thats awesome haha. Sorry to post in here/clutter it up but that license plate is awesome.
  10. Yeah it works fine, just has that red artifact on the right side of the screen pictured above. I have someone coming to look at it now and if this falls through ill PM you / get your number and we'll get it figured out.
  11. I really need to sell this to fix my car!! If anyone wants it ill let it go for $100 today! Delivered/picked up doesnt matter! Just need $100!!!
  12. I got a 40" Sony Bravia Flatscreen that has some artifacts on the right side of it, but im trying to let it go for cheap! Would make a great shop tv, or a extra tv to watch multiple football games on, or whatever! Asking $150 OBO!! No reasonable offer will be refused!!! http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/20121124_131234.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/20121124_131250.jpg http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/20121124_131308.jpg Thanks!!!
  13. The one on Sawmill road by Kohls/Dicks. When i go pick it up tomorrow im gonna ask them to test it again in front of me real quick just so i know for sure. Wanna make sure hes just not tryin to sell me a battery or some shit.
  14. Im asking if the 44% charge sounds right with what ive been saying above (I.E. 11.9 volts and the readings im getting/have gotten etc.) And have you used the equipment they use to test it and stuff? Sound correct with your experience and what hes told me? Plus if it is dead this would be the 2nd time Napa has told me my battery is good when its not.
  15. Just called AutoZone cause the guy never called me back about the battery, and when i called him he said that it was charged but he was going to go run the test, and then when he picked back up he said its only holding 44% charge and it looks like the battery is dead. Told him id be by in the morning to grab it. Does this sound right??
  16. Awesome!!! If i see this car out sometime im gonna be the stranger who comes up and asks for a ride! lol Awesome car though man
  17. Well its up at AutoZone charging. The guy tested it with the handheld thing and it said 11.59 volts, but he said the battery could be good or bad (Think he said the thing was showing both? I dont know exactly) but its up there getting charged/tested and hes gonna call me back in about an hour. Ill update the thread when i hear back from them and go from there.
  18. I just pulled the battery out a minute ago, im gonna take off here in a few and run to AutoZone or Advanced and have them test it. Ill report back once i get back from there and we can go from there.
  19. Thats what im about to do here in a minute. I took it to Napa and he tested it with a handheld thing (Wasnt a multimeter, it was something pretty big with a screen on it and stuff) but they didnt bench test it or try to charge it or anything. Also i figured it being a optima red top that it would still be a good battery, but you never know.
  20. The Optima Red Top has been in the car since i bought it in June 2010. There were no stickers taken out on the top of the battery so i have no clue when it was purchased/installed.
  21. Same lol. Pretty crazy that his torso just seperates from his legs when they try to move him, and when they lift it an arm and shit falls off. I think its funny the old guy walks by the camera holding the guys arm in his hands and gives it to the medics
  22. The whole thread was, so i dont know what you posted. What did you say?
  23. Ill go get the battery tested. I don't think its my alternator because the battery will slowly drain or have this problem without even it running, or being started. Ill double check my wiring and get the battery tested and report back. The battery is a Optima Red Top thats been in the car since i bought it (June 2010), and it didnt look wet / feel wet when i was messing with it earlier. The red top is a sealed battery that doesnt leak either, or so i thought, but it does say something on the label saying it wont spill.
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