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Everything posted by CRAWDAD

  1. everything worked fine today, I was just shifting like a pussy at the track yesterday. Missed 2nd gear 3-8 passes
  2. I went racing yesterday, thought I might have fucked up the syncro on the 1-2 shift. I missed 2nd gear 3 out of 8 passes Today I unloaded the car and did five hard launches 0-100mph to see if it would grind going to 2nd. or if I would miss 2nd gear again. Nope everything worked great. I realized I was just being a pussy while shifting yesterday. Came home, parked the Mustang, took the trailer back to storage. Decided to go for another cruise. Did about 3 more hard pulls to 140, everything checked out perfect! Yep I was just shifting like a pussy at the track. I glad everything is working properly, I thought this was going to get expensive. I was ready to start my research to swap my car over to an automatic.
  3. transmission might be fucked, it's ok to granny shift. but when shifting really fast, well it don' want to go in to 2nd.
  4. Glory pass didnt work out so well. Bogged off the line7.28@99.79mph
  5. 1/8 mile of course. pb 7.14@99.80mph I personally lost 43lbs (down to 185) and removed 2 10" subs, speaker box and 4 amps (factory shit) thats 52.5lbs. They say 100lbs is a tenth, but i need a little more than that. Maybe a new PB, if not i hope i go rounds and get paid. I'll be at Pacemakers all day on Saturday.
  6. I'll be racing in Mt. Vernon. Pacemakers
  7. He was having problems. Didnt make a full pass.
  8. not sure which bike it was but the slowest thing I remember went 58mph here are sme more cars. Bad thing is, the new cars had to let off (ford gt,xlr and a few others) Bentley's don't have too though;) http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/255.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/257.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/242.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/239.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/241.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/220.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/219.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/225.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/224.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/227.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/233.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/229.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/228.jpg
  9. http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j282/00slvrgt/Travis%20GT500/DSC_0110.jpg http://cdn.speednik.com/files/2012/04/2012-ADRL-SCS-Bristol-Butner-01.jpg http://paxtonauto.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/jpc-141.jpg?w=950&h=633
  10. I will post up my pics and try my best to remember what the cars ran. If I am incorrect feel free to correct me. I didn't write down any times, just going off what I remember. rx7-207mph on their last pass http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/246.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/245.jpg yellow gremlin 204mph http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/254.jpg boss 302-164mph http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/236.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/253.jpg ice cream truck-77mph (that's my 10yr old daughter beside it for size comparison) http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc84/croz98gt/Ohio%20mile%20april%202012/226.jpg
  11. First pass on Sunday it went 214, but i heard from another racer that it has been 237mph.
  12. It was more my fault for not reading. I was kinda laying low over the winter months. Maybe i could go to the one later in the fall, if uou decide to di it again.
  13. I wished I would have found out a little sooner about this race. Thanks for sharing the videos
  14. LOL But seriously, I didn't know this. I have only done a couple quick welds, I suck at it. But I did have a full face helmet.
  15. $20 late fee when you go to register it next time. If its going to be down a while, the $20 late fee would be cheaper than paying for tags for an unsued vehical. However, you can't park a vehical with expired tags on the street or in an Apartment complex parking lot (you can get a ticket/impounded). Put theft and fire insurance on it just incase the state decides to mail a letter wanting proof of insurance.

    LSx headers

    Oh, you finally decide to take this project off the back burner?
  17. Here is a pic of my friends. It might be a 350z though http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1971_112553285726_589940726_5460955_9893_n.jpg
  18. That's the way i did it. bought it in Michigan, trailered it home. Had 19 miles on it, 120mph flat on the floor right off the trailer.
  19. '07 GT500---10w40 Royal Purple 6.5qts '10 F-150---5w30 Royal Purple 7qts '08 Focus---5w30 Royal Purple 5qts At $9 a quart Plus a $15 filter. Oil changes ain't all that cheap.
  20. Even more reason to trade my '07 in. hhmmm Guess I'm in the 5% 54k base price Sure they will. Guy across the street bought a 2012 for 3k below sticker, and that was before they annonced the huge jump in HP for the 2013's
  21. Doc and I just seen a plate at the Ohio mile, sorry didn't snap a pic. NOBAMA
  22. Yes, i was there. Alex just asked a simple question. Answer was "i dont know" and then turned their back to us. I thought it was a real d-bag move. I lost respect for the team. Not like my opinion matters.
  23. Doc ill meet up with ya down there. Im bring the girls with me, so we'll just pack a lunch just to be safe.
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