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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Have been through it all at one time or another. Road racing, endurance racing to be specific has always been the biggest draw for me.


    Every time I look at poverty endurance racing I get really excited, then realize that I'll be spending thousands to drive a slow shitbox slowly for a long time.


    Then I go back to easy mode in my comfy much faster streetcars for a lil taste here and there.


    Maybe someday

  2. Look at my spec miata bro. I’m pretty much an instructor just because I have one. This weekend I’m visualizing autox drivers putting a tv in front of their car and pretending to get some laps in at daytona during the 24.


    Yeah, beating up on the miata snobs is the best. Some of em are alright though. The porka snobs are the worst.

  3. The average balloon costs for a small 2 person is about $22,000.


    Whoa whoa whoa, that doesn't include the cost of helmets either! Look at those peopple, all helmeted up. That's comin straight out of your pocket if you don't roll it into the balloon loan!

  4. Columbus is the capital for driving on spare tires. Also be careful what you ask for. I came from a city that if you had a different size tire than stock you had to get a permit and the police could stop you at any time even if you were not breaking any laws.


    I don't support statewide vehicle inspections, although they have their merits. The police need to be out patrolling, and if some turd is holding up a column of traffic, they deserve some scrutiny.


    I can barely go 1 mile on 270 without seeing some pile of shit that is obviously not road-worth just trundling along holding masses of people up causing jams.


    Regular-person cars on functional tires shouldn't have a problem with a dusting of snow, no reason the plows need to come out until it's really piling up

  5. maybe if the OSHP and all 47 other police entities that seem to have reciprocity over cbus would get off their lazy asses and actually cite people for driving on bald tires, tailgating, not paying attention, cutting in, etc maybe there wouldn't be so many accidents everytime it snows/rains/gets cloudy/rush hours


    snow plows LOL sure bring em out when there's a few inches of powder sitting on the roads

  6. ft benning LOL


    I'd be surprised if any machine shop hadn't had a ton of jeep 4 liters through. bonus points if you have some gucci shop in the area that has built a ton of jeep strokers, but if it's not a critically sensitive exotic fancy-pants motor you'll probably be fine anywhere reputable

  7. A durango is a good choice... if you need to haul 4 people and a weekend of gear and tow the boat/camper over logging roads regularly.


    Using that to commute on the highway is like using a screwdriver as a hammer


    sounds like you need a tdi vw. wagon or sedan, they have tons of room.

  8. super easy to add a couple hundo every month to principle, and make an extra monthly payment each year. That should get you from a 30-year to a 23? year can't remember and too lazy to calc it again.


    But yeah- you never really OWN your home you're just renting it from the .gov. brb paid off home still owe .gov few hundo every month increasing until the end of time until you sell. So, why pay it off anyways? get the lowest payment you can, invest your money, and take your pile elsewhere when you're ready to retire. BOOMDONE

  9. I'm sure there will be TONS of opportunities to get on-track at Nelson as they run their own little lapping day events all the time, but they don't have their 2018 schedule posted so the only ones I have are the outside organizations that are going to be driving there.


    With what they are charging now for single day events I hope to see many more improvements this year to justify the experience.


    Yeah NL can eat a dick until they drop their prices, or unsketch their curbing, or both. Way too far to drive and pay for what it is.

  10. new trucks are LOL. who the fuck needs a $30k+ half-ton with 2k payload and 10k towing?


    memba when half-tons were <$20k and ran 200k with barely any maintenance? And didn't rust out after 10 years in ohio winters? pepperidge farm remembers


    LOL at all this tech turning feature-heavy trucks into non-working piles of garbage in a decade

  11. last I read up on the v6 swaps they starved for oil very easily and the toyota v6 sounds like dogshit. and custom parts for something as rare as that are going to be self-fab or $$$, at which point you might as well start out with a better platform.


    would suck to have $10k+ into something and still get trolled by a clapped out c5 in every way

  12. No, keep piling on, it's fun to read. :lol:


    I rarely use the cruise in my commute due to traffic. Manual window crank, whatever.


    I love crank windows, except some cars get really nasty buffeting with just the driver's down so you gotta reach and crack another one unless you have a sunroof.


    Why the hell would you cram people into this shitmobile when you have a 4-door infinity and a g8 to drive?

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