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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. If it were this simple, I'd have someone doing my kitchen, but I'm doing most of it, because contractors are the fucking worst.


    They really are. If I had a dollar for every friend or family member bitching about a contractor disappearing, being unreachable, doing shit work, never finishing a job, etc I could buy a couple light fixtures and some faucets


    (and install them myself)


    really, shit's easy. it would take less time to install a few than keyboard-warrior on CR.

  2. +100.


    Love seeing 6-fig cars fully depreciated 7-10 years later. :)


    gib ya $25k for a one-owner non-accident high mile c6z?


    or $55k for a clean low mile c6 zr1?


    911 turbos are about the same. Good thing there's plenty of taters out there blowing stacks of cash so us plebs can buy em up in a few years for half or less

  3. Chebby jez needs to contract a tire company to make them a speshul superstar-record-edition cheatertire to get em over the hump. It's okay if they only last 30 laps, becauz the magazines and internetz will only see the headlines anyways
  4. So a purpose-built off-road truck isn't good for off-roading?


    Man, that thing will look hella-sick all shined up and detailed, parked in some grimy, industrial areas... like, it's so worldly and traveled, and not afraid to go anywhere, but just like so clean like the poverty can't even touch it!


    Get some add-on parts so it doesn't look like the cheapo base rental f-150.


    I bet you can't wait to fantasize about all the nasty fun things it could do, if only you had the balls to take her out and beat her guts in. Use everything it has while it's still under warranty, YOLO BROLO.



  5. Not to threadjack, but Jesse, did you just say that you think the return on your investment into a solar home would be 7-ish years? Bruh, I'd love to see your math on that. Everything I have been involved in is like 20+ years.


    Yeah the very best I was able to figure was 15ish, and that was back when we had the Bush-era tax credits.


    Thanks obama

  6. can just anyone rent one of these weapons?


    don't professionals that use these weapons daily have SPECIAL TRAINING the public isn't required to have to operate one of these?


    are we going to close the private-party loophole where someone can buy one without a valid license or background check?


    can we somehow get current owners of these weapons to turn them in, or exchange them for a less-dangerous replacement?


    are we going to ignore the hundreds of thousands of people that are murdered every year with dangerous modes of transportation?


    is anyone organizing a lawsuit against the manufacturer of the weapon, and the company that rented the weapon?


    did his doctor know he was a danger to society and didn't follow the proper procedure to have all access to weapons restricted for this individual?


    are we going to address the dangerous special equipment this particular weapon had?

    -fully automatic transmission allows you to reach greater speed more easily

    -high capacity fuel tank allows for longer more dangerous rampage

    -silencers on the exhaust allowed the weapon to be used almost silently, giving nearby victims no warning until it was too late!

  7. Chasing the best phone tech is so 8 years ago. I'm back on a flip phone with no mobile data. My life is more efficient and fulfilled than it has been in years!



    I laugh at all the goobies who can't ride an elevator 30 floors without diving into their slave screens. You know when you go potty with your phone day-in and day-out you're basically going a2m with yourself eventually, right?


    Food for thought...



  8. If you have network experience than jump to CCNA, the Net+ cert is good for newbs but apparently they also stepped up their game and madeit a lot tougher.


    Net+ got way harder. Just talked to a compTIA instructor about this last week, said it's gotten significantly more challenging and threw some figures at me about pass rates going way down and blah blah blah.


    Net+ and A+ both have some seriously retarded shit on them you'll never ever use- like they didn't have enough on them to feel it was "thuper therious guiz" so they added a bunch of ancient junk on there.

  9. Which location did you take it to?


    Right off riverside drive in grandview.


    The positive feedback of some in the car community is what convinced me to give them a chance. I was expecting to be disappointed, and I was.


    It's not a show car, the paint was swirl-tastic when I got it, and the person driving it is okay with it because they're not a car-person.

  10. you must not have paid out of pocket.


    Insurance paid for it. They originally told me "you're only about a grand away from it being totalled" then after many revised estimates our adjuster whoever told me "you're within a couple hundred bucks, could total out" and I didn't want to because of how hard it was to find this car in the first place.

  11. That's unfortunate. Are you planning on bringing it back to them to see if they are willing to fix the slop?


    I took it back once to have the latch replaced, and the hatch alignment un-fucked which took almost 2 hours.


    I doubt I'll go any further, as it took them 4 weeks to do the work the first time, and I don't really trust them to strip the paint and do it again less-shittily.


    Any suggestions? Not a big enough deal to sue, and wifey doesn't want to bother with a diminished value claim.

  12. Heard good things about Rife's from some picky people, gave em a try. Would not recommend for a car person. People were friendly, communication was good, timetable was only 2ish weeks late, but workmanship? LOL


    What they did:

    -Replaced the liftgate w/OEM, repainted

    -Replaced the bumper cover w/OEM, repainted

    -Replaced the supporting structure underneath the bumper cover

    -Replaced some clips and fasteners along the way

    -Retint rear window - it was perfect, but they damaged the tinting during removal, so they retinted it


    Ended up being $6000ish all said and done.


    The good: They did in fact replace parts, paint them, and currently everything is functional.


    The bad: First I saw "tint rear window" on a modified estimate, and knowing I have mostly perfect ceramic tinting from Performance Auto Spa, called to see what happened. They damaged the tint during removal of the window, and retinted it- no charge. I specifically told them "NOPE I want the same exact ceramic tint I had, already got a quote from performance auto spa for $120 I'll take it over there and have it done myself" only to be told "we already had our tint guy redo it."


    More bad: Picked up the car, the rear latch mechanism was still broken. Pointed it out, it still mostly worked but was snapped in half. "No problem we'll resubmit that and you can bring it in to get fixed later" okay works for me. On a return trip, they did in fact replace this.


    More bad: Upon inspection, the liftgate alignment looked like dogshit, the panel gap on one side is like triple the other! Took it back, they re-aligned it and it is much better now. Before, the alignment was damn near perfect pre-replacement.


    More bad: The paintwork looks somewhere between "Wow really?" and "garage rattle can." Swirl marks all over, some places where a buffer? burned/scratched it pretty bad on a contour, paint so thick it started to run in some spots, really bad orange peel in others, bunch of debris? in the jamb areas. Before, the paint was swirly and not great, but at least it didn't have orange peel, runs, debris in it.


    More bad: WTF where did all these massive scratches come from? There are 6ish massive scratches on both C-pillar areas that weren't there before, like something large was laid across or up against the car on both sides. Might clean up, but they weren't there before!


    Just annoying: They put 30 miles on the car. I know it says they can in the paperwork I signed, but that CAN'T be normal. Brb, need to pick someone up at the airport- I'll take this customer's car! No explanation, I can only guess they had random tint guy pick it up, take it back to his tint-lair, joyride around, and bring it back when they were bored with it.


    I'm particularly sensitive about people driving my cars, especially the MANUAL ones. Seen too many tards out there grinding gears, slipping clutches, and other dumb shit causing premature wear and damage.


    Also, little heavy on the window adhesive guys (see pic), doesn't make me confident the bead is even and where it should be...



    On to the pics!


    Swirl marks! I'm not a photog type, and I really couldn't capture the shittyness of these but I tried



    One of the cut-lines in the bodywork- paint so heavy it's running or something?



    Hard to see, but this was replaced and repainted, and already they scratched/overbuffed? the shit out of it



    Scratches! Damnit the light wouldn't cooperate and these really didn't turn up on my shitty ancient camera, but kinda-sorta some of the c-pillar scratches that weren't there upon delivery but were on pickup



    Look at all that window sealer! Damn I really hope this is extra and not an OOPS that is going to leak!



    Pic of some of the debris? or whatever shittyness, and the LOL orange peel in the jamb area



    This is a pic of the hinge. The paint is disturbed here since they had to realign the hatch. It's a good representation of the almost-crinkle-finish of some areas.



    I haven't washed the car yet, and doubt I'll ever bother again.


    Rife's LOL

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