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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. I hate the assholes that ride on the back wheel on the freeway. Or the ones that fly by you at 110, I don't think your gear is going to help at that speed. That shit makes me nervous when I'm driving near them.


    Depends on what you hit. If you are just skidding to a halt on asphalt or grass, you may walk away without a scratch. That's a big chance to take on a public road though.

  2. the TDIs are great, but hard to find good deals on used. Might want to do the math to see how long it would take the fuel savings to pay for the premium over a used gas model.


    But yeah the TDis get great mileage and aren't soul-less to drive

  3. I have a lincoln sp135 and I got it refurbed (looks NIB, not a mark on it) for about $450 a few years ago. I welded up a boat and for thin stuff it's decent with gas, but mine is a BITCH to get the feed speed right. Very touchy! I'd offer him $450 if that's the welder you want.
  4. Ammunition generally will last longer than you will. Ideally store it in a cool dry place, but for blasting ammo 5 years old wouldn't even give me pause.


    I've shot up cases of milsurp older than I am without any issues.

  5. Speaking as an instructor, I feel that there should be 12 hours of training and more time spent at the range or on tactics. I have had/seen way to many people in a class that needed more help than just 100 rounds. And the largest trainer in Franklin county just shoves people thru the door, it's sad really I had to re-train a couple of his students.


    I agree in part, that many shooters are nowhere near competent after such a short session. However, I don't know how I feel about competency vs. rights.

  6. The same could be said for most shooters as well.


    I find myself riding less for commuting, and more for playing due to traffic danger. I hear you there, rush hour people are NOT thinking about traffic, and too many close calls adjusted my attitude a bit. I just avoid times/areas of high congestion on the bike.

  7. I'd say 20 cents/round is about my threshold as well, but it's that mentality that will screw the ammo supply for a long time. Everyone is well aware now that ammo CAN and WILL be unavailable for extended periods of time.


    I haven't bought ammo in nearly a year, but I'm still shooting. Ever since obama got elected we've been on the edge of this lunacy.

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