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Posts posted by RyM3rC

  1. Is it just the angle or is the front fork bent in the 1st pic?


    I saw that too. All those old hondas like to break the tach and speedo needles. Make sure you stay on those valve adjustments! You used to be able to get low-rise or drop bars at the Rice Paddy for almost nothin, but I'm sure the internetz could hook you up too. Careful not to kink the brake line with new bars, that really stresses out old rubber.

  2. TRUTH!!!


    No manual then it's not a real GT3. There's no point to a "Sports car" without a transmission controlled by a foot and hand, PERIOD. There's nothing to gain from beating someone with technology, because you didn't beat them, the technology did.


    too bad us poor competent-shifting types can't afford new GT3s, or I'm sure porsche would cater more to us. Until then, high-income non-drivers will keep watering down the sports car breed.

  3. Drill weekends consisted of sitting around doing nothing




    Yeah if I saw people sitting around bullshitting and smoking and such when they should be drilling I'd feel that way too.


    What a shame there are units like that giving the Guard a bad name.

  4. M&P9s are hit and miss. I'm pretty sure only the M&P9 Full size models are affected, but yeah- some of them don't group at all. Most will group much better with either light or heavy bullets- mine likes 124gr+ better than lighter bullets but still is one of the least accurate pistols I've ever owned. You can google it, but S&W jacked up the timing on the unlocking of the barrel. Last I checked into it it affected about 1 in 4, but generally the M&P9fs is very inaccurate.


    You can get an aftermarket barrel and it will fix anything. Have fun spending $200 to get your $500 pistol to shoot as well as it should from the factory.

  5. Should have known better on CR.


    No I5 love here.


    For reference, it's not supposed to sound like a 5.0 ya tards.





    Sounds kinda like an old 5000 with a flowmaster, but makes twice the power.


    There's very few 5-cylinder Audis I haven't owned, you have one of them.

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