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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. I caught most of her testimony and some of his. That being said, was there any actual evidence whatsoever submitted to support her claims?


    I don't doubt something happened to her in the past, but from him? I just think that if I am going to accuse someone of something, especially something that can ruin the lives of them and their family, I should have to provide evidence.

  2. So my wife has been suffering from disembarkment syndrome from our cruise. A friend gave her cbd oil and it helped her. There's a place off high st and just south of n Broadway called Ohio botanical depot. All they sell is cbd products. I picked up a cbd tincture for her today. Awesome people own it and tons of products. I have a bad shoulder so going to try it tonight and see if it helps with inflammation like claimed


    I have been acquainted with the sister of the owner of that place for a long time.

  3. I have a lightly used HTC U11 that is in great condition. Had a rear camera issue that I sent to HTC for and they took care of it. Unlocked and will work with AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon. I personally was using in Verizon. Below is the link the the same phone directly from HTC.




    I can text pics on request. I don't know their official color names, but it is the dark/cobalt blue color.


    $350 shipped to your door.

  4. same. even if in part the guy is right. Scary shit


    Honestly, I'd like to see his ideas implemented and see where it takes us. The Federal Government slash spending, eradicate a lot of it's agencies, like the Dpt of Education, abolish the minimum wage, let the the banks fail (obviously that would have had to have been in the past), etc. It's interesting how he outlines the incredible overreach the feds have with powers that were NOT granted in the constitution.


    I'm sure he can't be right about everything, but I think he is fascinating to listen to. His Joe Rogan interview kept my attention...for 3hrs.

  5. While, yes that sucks, I get it. With more and more being online sales it does seem fair.


    This will be the least of our worries once the goverment-inflated bubble bursts and the dollar tanks.


    According to Peter Schiff, it's a comin' and it's going to be a wild ride. I have to agree with a LOT of what I have heard Peter say.

  6. What other old people insult terms have you guys been hiding from us young whippersnappers that prefer to listen to audio editorials as opposed to reading 13min worth of editorial?


    I don't know many old school insults.

  7. Haven't decided if I take him seriously or not, which is why I posted it here to get some other constructive feedback on the topic discussed in the video and weigh information that both supports and refutes his claims.


    But it seems as usual on CR, people are chomping at the bit to get butthurt and lash out :/

  8. I mean, you did ask for "Thoughts on his content in general." Seems like that's what you got...


    Your point eludes me. Did I say somewhere I wasn't receiving thoughts?


    Here's what his twitter feed says when posting the video you linked in your OP:




    I gotta say, this is the first I've heard of the horrors of gynocentrism and childless leaders.


    You actually take this guy seriously? What's wrong with you?


    Haven't seen twitter and don't have twitter.


    As for your last question, I don't believe I stated either way what I take seriously and what I don't. Thanks for your input, though I'm not understanding how it is meaningful or pertains the content outlined in the video.

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