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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. That looks amazeballz! how much heat do you get off the exhaust right there next to your leg?


    Very little. I can put my hand on the stinger and it's not hot. I think the expansion chamber cools it significantly.


    The head on the other hand...the cylinder head gets REALLY hot. So the tune of a few hundred degrees. I can't feel it through my pants, but you do NOT want to touch that.

  2. Let me ask you this, when you were growing up, what are you told by your parents? To go to college or go get a 9-5 at the plant? Sure a small manufacturing plant helps a small rural community, but not in urban areas. Hell even Amazon knows young adults are their talent pool for their wharehouses and now are offering to pay for college as a way to stop the high turnover they have. They have signed a couple agreements with CSCC including some are mandating they take pharmacy tech classes because Amazon is about to enter the Pharmacy Market.


    I was told to do what I wanted to do as long as it was honorable work. Whether becoming a doctor or being a trash man.


    Which route I took to achieve my goals wasn't shoved down my throat one way or another.

  3. I’m pretty sure we have a trade deficit because we make almost nothing in this fucking country. And Americans don’t want manufacturing jobs, and the folks in this country that would be happy working in manufacturing are being deported daily. However I’m not a very smart man, but I know what love is.


    Serious question: You think Americans don't want manufacturing jobs? I know of towns that were devastated when manufacturing/factory jobs left for China and everyone got laid off. I worked in manufacturing in my younger years, and I know people that still do.

  4. Government executions (that we know about) in North Korea are a horror show.


    Jang Song Taek, Kim's uncle by marrage, as well as his aides and one nephew were executed by being burned alive with a flamethrower in 2013 (there are differing accounts as to whether he was also shot with an anti-aircraft gun while still burning). NK's firing squad uses machine guns and public executions by firing squad happen in a stadium. Hanging and decapitation round out the more popular ways people are publicly executed in North Korea.


    And that's before we talk about the gulags for political prisoners, the forced abortions, the killing of infants as punishment, etc...



    I'd take hanging or decapitation over a mortar or being burned alive.


    As for the abortions, who really cares about those as those aren't human lives anyway.


    The rest of the stuff is pretty brutal. It's why I ask people who complain about how bad 'murica is to actually consider what it's like to live in many other parts of the world.

  5. Some of that happened to me. I don't get the ears on fire or the snot, but I am pretty sure I drank a quart of milk about 30 minutes after eating it, and I pretty much couldn't taste anything for the rest of the day. I look at eating superhots raw the same way I look at anal sex - you have to draw the line at how much shit you are willing to put up with. Up until I ate it I had drawn the line at Habaneros raw just because I had a piece of Ghost Pepper that was unbearable (like eyes watering unbearable).


    Yeah, I can't handle Habaneros.


    BTW, if you are really into peppers, specifically on the growing side, this dude down here in Dallas grows a LOT of really neat super hots and does a lot of grafting and cross pollination and such, making some of his own hybrids.


    His youtube name is Khang Starr.

  6. Was thinking of drying and doing just that, making a powder. Also entertaining the hot sauce avenue as well. Maybe call it, "Anal Annihilator."


    I made hot sauce out of a mix of hot peppers last year; Louisiana style, and man, it was SO good. It didn't last long.

  7. I suck at growing anything, it never works out. I love eating spicy food though and keep a supply of ghost pepper powder around. I find it's an easy way to make something as hot as you want without altering the favor. Perfect for an uneducated cook like myself.


    Was thinking of drying and doing just that, making a powder. Also entertaining the hot sauce avenue as well. Maybe call it, "Anal Annihilator."

  8. It's not as bad as you think. I ate a Reaper raw at cars and coffee a while ago, someone has footage of it. The worst part isn't the eating it, it's the burning shits you have for about a day afterwards.


    wife planted some Hatch and Anaheims in our backyard last weekend. Nothing super hot, just something to cook with since being a texan she cooks a lot of tex mex.


    I hit a point on the scoville scale where I am just in pain. Ears on fire, snot running out of my nose, can't stop salivating and spitting. I think a lot of it has to do with individual physiological makeup in regards to the intensity of a given pepper for a person.

  9. That house is really cool and everything, but if you're going to get a house that big with a nice pool and all that, it seems kind of lame to have such a small yard with your neighbors right on top of you. I feel like I could never enjoy my back yard without annoying all the neighbors


    Yeah, I'd rather take that money and invest in less house but more property. Which is what I did when we moved here. We moved from a bigger, new build, cookie cutter house where everyone was on top of each other, to a smaller, older house on 1 acre in an unincorporated neighborhood, for more than the previous house cost. The only issue obviously being, right behind us was another rich man's cookie cutter neighborhood.


    LOL hence why this whole thread started.




    Yeah, I was thinking that as I typed it :D


    I guess inconsiderate folks like this "CHAZ" guy couldn't give a fuck about common decency. His fucking name is Chaz though so I guess I'm not surprised


    Ha ha. In his defense though, we don't really choose our names :/


    Either way, I am glad they are gone, but just hope whoever buys it next is a little more respectful.

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