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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. Get a 15+, preferably 16+ for the better touchscreen.


    11-14's have rust issues, the rear windows tend to explode when you turn on the defroster, 4wd engagement motors tend to go bad and half-engage the front hubs giving you a horrible grinding noise, seat heaters and random electronics like to go bad early, the turbos were pretty laggy those years, 2011's specifically had intercooler issues with water vapor causing misfires, and the slip yoke on the drive shaft wasn't lubed from the factory so it'll eventually start sticking and cause a jolt when you gas it from a stop (the Raptors' were nickel-plated, making them slicker). Other than random shit like that they are fun trucks to drive but the newer models in 2015 were so much better.



    Pretty much summed it up with my only counter is I don't feel my truck is laggy, and I don't have rust issues because TX. All the other things listed I have experienced, + blend motor problems causing heat on one side but not the other. I haven't tackled it yet, but it's gonna be a PITA.

  2. I can guarantee it's out of my price range for beater. There were 3 awd dsm's that ran that were less than 2k that sold here in columbus. They may have been ugly as sin, but work had been done to them.


    100 million % out of beater price range.


    Till i DIE



    And just so you guys don't lose faith in my sloppiness- I am reusing the oil pump that was on the motor. Feels good-ship it. Its a little dirty tho... :lolguy:






    If it's in specs, send it.

  3. oh shit. That thing is going to fly.


    If you want to know about a factory tall-deck block that has a 9.83 deck height, I can point you in the right direction. Just pm me.


    Im kicking myself passing on two dsms last year.


    I've got my 1G loosely for sale... ;)

  4. I'm changing my turbo setup. As such, I am now on the hunt for new bolts.




    That being said, I don't know ish about what kind of material the bolts/stud should be made of. I know that using a grade 5 bolt from Home Depot is not going to cut it. But I see a lot of SS options out there but in my experience, SS galls in heat applications.


    So educate me on what kind of material should be used, and where I can find bolts/studs made of such material.

  5. The problem with the big tech companies is that they are big companies, and therefore enjoy all the same tax dodges and loopholes that other big companies, like GE in the past, take advantage of to avoid paying their fair share. I don't think we need to "single out" the tech industry to tax when what really needs to happen is to close some of those exemptions, dodges, and loopholes, and have the entire large corporate sector actually start paying into the system. But I don't know that any politician in any party is going to say or do that since they all accept donations from the very companies that lobbied for those exemptions in the first place.


    We don't need NEW taxes singling out a specific group, just fix the old tax system that allows Amazon, Priceline, International Paper, General Electric, Ryder, and pretty much the entire energy sector (including AEP) to avoid paying into the tax system.




    BTW, we could have a whole conversation about the energy sector alone that is granted an exclusive monopoly by the gov't, allowed to operate as a for profit, and gets a tax exemption on top of it. If they are going to operate as a monopoly, then convert the companies to not for profit entities and then continue to avoid the tax structure while putting the power needs of the customer's first. Public utility and monopolistic for profit company aren't compatible concepts.



    I don't disagree with you.


    I just like the fact that he talking about something I haven't heard other candidates seriously address.


    I spend a good amount of time hunting in the middle of nowhere Texas. On my last trip to the panhandle, I spent an afternoon with some of the land owners/farmers up there. Trump country. They grow a lot of cotton, wheat, millet, etc. I got a tour of the cotton gin (neat stuff) and another walk through of the company that builds the SCARAB composter. (Yup that thing was invented and still built in White Deer, TX, a town of 1,000 people). And what was pointed out to me was some of the automated technology being implemented.


    "See that machine right there. That eliminated the need for 3 people." "See auto-welder, that eliminated 2.5 people."


    Me-"Doesn't that hurt the job market here though?"


    Farmer-"Yeah, but the thing is, people are unreliable. Don't show up when you need them to, do the work you need done when it needs done, etc. With this machine, you don't have that problem."


    I know for a fact because of the industry i'm in, working for a family owned company...labor continues to go up. It has for years and continues to do so, but the end customer doesn't want to pay more. I'm having to pay people $12/hr for jobs I could pay $8-$8.50/hr for 5yrs ago. With profit margins so small, labor costs continuing to rise, automation within our organization is inevitable if we are going to stay in business.

  6. See I get worried about that because it could have a chilling effect on innovation. Tesla, as big a hype machine as it is, I am not sure could survive a tax of this nature. Amazon is a juggernaut and probably could absorb this problem, but amazon has it's own problems that might see it's market getting smaller if forced to address it's conflict of interest (i.e. antitrust) problem with both owning the marketplace and competing in it.


    See, I don't know how much it would affect innovation because as he states, those companies are going to see a chunk of that going right back to them because what do people do when they have money? They spend it? I'm not going to lie, I buy a TON of stuff from Amazon. Put an extra $1,000 in my pocket per month, yeah, a chunk of that is most likely going right back to Amazon.

  7. I'm not sure how he plans to pull of $1000 a month universal basic income, but my interest is piqued.


    By taxing new tech. He states this could easily be paid for by taxing huge companies/big tech. I.E. Companies like Amazon, Tesla, Self-driving truck companies, etc.


    I probably won't vote for him because I don't like his policies on firearms and a few other topics, but I think it's hard to dismiss his foresight of big tech radically changing the work climate. Something like 3 million truck drivers on the roads right now. What happens in 20yrs when trucks are driving themselves?


    Same with retail. Heck, look how many kiosks and self checkout lines there are now and retail is the most widespread job there is currently.


    Need someone more to the right but with some financial/economic input from this guy.

  8. Nothing more satisfying than getting a zero-ish mile car up to operating temp and beating the piss out of it


    I've done it on every vehicle I've owned/built. I specifically remember picking up my F150 from Jordan back in 2011 and on the way back from Cambridge to Columbus, topping it out a few times, ha ha. Let that bish rip.

  9. Something I have wondered about for years on and off is factory engine break in. Basically, when a dealer has a new cars on the lot with like 2mi on it, was that engine broken in at the factory? Or are all the people test driving this thing essentially breaking it in? I ask because on the DSM motors I have had in the past, I pretty much follow the motoman break in procedure and it's worked great for me in the past.




    Initial start run some cheap conventional oil in for a few min to flush any crap in there out. Drop in some Amsoil or whatever 30W break in oil. And I go beat the piss out of hit. Varied throttle/rpm and running it up top. I remember one motor in particular I beat the snot out of it for essentially 10mi worth of driving, got back to the garage, no smoke coming out of the tail pipe at all. Rings seemed to have sealed nicely. Never had any issues with that bottom end.


    So basically what I am asking is, do factories run these engines prior to installation and break them in, or is the customer breaking them in?

  10. High street at campus and short north area are just plain dumps. You don’t want to be there after dark.


    What's wrong with being there after dark? I haven't lived in Columbus since 2011, but I LOVED going down there to eat, people watch, gallery hop, etc.


    Has it gotten bad since then?

  11. I enjoy my work. I enjoy helping people finance their dreams, even when its a challenging scenario.


    Even better when I can get them free money from the bank (we have a LOT of no strings attached grant programs). That has been a real pleasure as of late. :)


    How do I get the free moniez?

  12. Love it. Pay is great, benefits are absolutely ridiculous, and I get to do/see different things all of the time. I think that's the thing that has kept all of my major employment endeavors interesting, I couldn't stand to do the same thing every day.

    I like modding elevators because I get to see the old equipment and buildings, but also install every aspect of the new ones. If I were in new construction I'd probably like it a bit less.

    I also enjoy that there aren't that many of us, and that 90% of the population has no idea what an elevator mechanic does.


    Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk


    Ensuring we don't all die would be my guess.

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