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Posts posted by RC K9

  1. lol I know I know


    I deal in bourbon a lot, so I know what its worth. usually run about $120+ shipping


    I wish I could find it for even that. I looked. Stores, if they had any, were charging double that and more.


    Can you tell me where I can get it for $120 + shipping so I can get a couple more for myself? It's a steal at that price because it's been gone down here since about 3wks after it was shipments were sent out from the distillery.

  2. Price for the High West?







    $65 shipped for the MWND


    :lolguy: You find it for $65 shipped, please tell me where so I can buy a few cases of it. Ha ha.


    What are you asking for the Crown?



  3. I'm on 11 acres (mostly pond/water though) and my next door neighbor has 300 acres but I'm way up in Sunbury. I can ask him if you wanna trek up here.




    If there's bunnies, i'd be down. 45min really isn't that big of a deal. I make frequent trips to the pandhandle to hunt which is like 5.5hrs each way.

  4. Does anyone have land I can fly my hawk on? I'll be back around Christmas and we'll have my bird with us. Just looking to see if anyone has property with bunnies that'd be willing to let me fly her on. I'd like to avoid chickens if you have those because she will try to nail them. Don't really need a ton of space either. Depending on the lay out, I can hunt fields that are like 10acres. Smaller if your neighbors are cool with me being on their property. As always, if you let me come out, you are welcome to tag along and watch.


    Let me know your thoughts. I'll be staying in West Jefferson, but anywhere around C-bus should work.



  5. My interviewer had to check on the answer to the location of the Statue of Liberty when I answered with, "Hudson River" first then "New York City". I just smiled.


    During study leading to the interview, I gave little quizzes to friends who were born in the US. Most, if not all, of them would have failed :D


    I'd fail.


    Which is why I feel that immigrants that go through the legal process and become citizens are more "American" in many ways than I am.

  6. Grats!


    It always strikes me that in some ways, that makes you more American than I am. :) I like that fact.


    I've always believed this.


    I was simply born here. I didn't do anything to *earn* my citizenship, as such, I don't take "pride" in something that I didn't earn.


    On the other hand, immigrants put it on the line, do the work, and make a choice. I'll say unequivocally that in a lot of ways Carl is more "American" than I am.


    Congrats man.

  7. My 6 year old came home from school last week with the man from Nantucket limerick the other day. My wife hit the ceiling, even though I am pretty sure my daughter has no idea what any of it means.


    to prevent her from repeating it again in the house I taught her this one instead:


    There once was a girl from Antietam

    Who loved horse turds so much she would eat them

    she sat on their rumps

    and ate up the clumps

    just as fast as the horse could excrete them


    On the downside, she's probably said it like 20 times this week, on the upside her vocabulary now includes the word excrete. 1st graders, am I right?


    ha ha ha

  8. Two recent ones from my 4 year old


    At Sunday school talking about trusting Jesus and not being scared


    My kid: oh im not,scared I'm daddies badass


    Wife and kid talking

    Wife: cuddling with our great dane, oh i love you I'm going,to marry you

    Kid: you can't marry him he doesnt have hands or feet

    Mommy: its ok I love him so much

    Kid: mom you are married to this guy, points at me in a picture. You are not marrying our dog


    Ha ha. She's got your back!

  9. I'm not proud of the things my kid's ask or say, but it's hard to not laugh sometime. The other day my 6yr old son has this short convo with my wife over dinner:


    Child: "Hey mom, do women have grundles?"

    Mom: *shocked look and trying not to laugh*, "You can ask your wife that when you get married."

    Child: "I'll ask her on the way home from the wedding."

  10. She's getting a lot faster! seems to be doing better with you handling the catch too.


    Yeah...other falconers told me she'd be a better hunter this year, and that's absolutely true. She has 8 bunnies so far and we just started hunting like 3wks ago. She only had 6 bunnies by early November last year. She also has caught 3 birds in the last week, and she only caught 4 all of last season. She was great last year, but she is well on her way to being even better this year.

  11. You need to bring Ventress up to Upper Arlington for a weekend and she'd be too fat off of bunnies to fly anywhere. :lol:


    If it's not squirrels I'm almost hitting everyday driving around, it's rabbits that like to play "chicken" with me in an oncoming car.


    I'll be bringing her up in December sometime around Christmas...

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