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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. PM supplicum. Him and a buddy of mine both work for suburban steel out in gahana.
  2. Fixed. Article said driver was texting and driving.
  3. Jesus caused the bombings.
  4. Damn. i wonder if thats why the exit for william street off 23 in delaware was backed way up.
  5. Sent you a message on FB. sucks to hear ;(
  6. My face when no cold drinks in that machine http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/095/7/d/Sad_face_mask_by_Why_00.jpg
  7. No way. why would this be released to the public?
  8. They learned their lesson yesterday. :masturboy:
  9. as far as i know. Maybe a minute or two behind max.
  10. For those not in the know: Online Video that man is 60-70 years old. NOT THE SUSPECT.
  11. http://i.imgur.com/Ui6aUMB.gif http://i.imgur.com/kzFv2e4.gif http://i.imgur.com/vyJf0qK.jpg
  12. Looks like the news sites are getting their info from 4chanfbi
  13. huge picture is huge http://i.imgur.com/ki12E5O.jpg
  14. Is there only 1? I aint got time fo dat.
  15. Implying the FBI took the photos. The majority of photos the FBI are using are public photos submitted to them. Supposedly Lord & Taylor across the street captured the guy leaving the bag, but there has yet to be any photos/video released of it, and for good reason.
  16. intradesting. http://i.imgur.com/Jn82qarh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/aCjGrD0h.jpg
  17. +1 MFW when that chick is only with him for his money.
  18. i have about 70 pentium 4 pcs here at work. Think we could cluster them and make a 240ghz pc?
  19. Yep, check times... http://i.imgur.com/GaNCMWP.jpg
  20. Y-you have seen them? Live feed: http://livewire.wcvb.com/Event/117th_Running_of_Boston_Marathon
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