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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. http://i.imgur.com/2Zsv6.gif
  2. like any fishing show, 2/3 talking about how/why, then 1/3 actually doing it.
  3. It's not about length its about the girth. http://d24w6bsrhbeh9d.cloudfront.net/photo/6533251_700b.jpg
  4. Oh look, another bandwagon jumper. That or troll. GTFO
  5. NICE FISH! He must be one hell of an angler if he managed to get that ashore with whatever line he was using. Odds are it was probably less than 15lb test. I hooked one down below the alum creek damn one winter. I was using an 8" wooden lure. I didnt measure it but it was about half the length of the fish in the OP.
  6. Why not Just buy a tractor and get a pull behind? Or on a more serious note, schmelmer im sure could do this for you.
  7. Just got back from nortons and pauls marine. Puals Marine was out of almost everything. I did see some JHP 40. Norton was also out of almost everything. They did have a few boxes of JHP 9mm for 25.xx a box.
  8. But you are an old man so its okay :lolguy:
  9. At what point does someone decide to bail on a small fire instead of trying to extinguish it? I mean, there had to be something someone could do instead of just stand there thinking "oh damn, theres a small fire. ill just stand here and watch it get bigger"
  10. And do this the entire way: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/106/887/backpain-1292835351.jpg I really need to get another car Ill be looking for a new job soon so maybe by summer.
  11. Dang. Tools are expensive. Hope those guys make it out alright.
  12. Insurance man. Should pay for tools, and wages.
  13. DAMNNN. is this at sawmil and billingsly? I live right around the corner from there.
  14. surprising to say the least.
  15. That is awesome. Are pieces swap-able like that or do they require some serious modification? I got into models right before my last move but never dug everything back out. What kind of "workshop" do you use? a dedicated desk?
  16. OC mother trucker. I aint even mad. I still laugh when i see it. :lolguy:
  17. Ill be that guy... That was fuckin hilarious. Woulda sucked for the dude if he was mid loaf and had to bail like that.
  18. http://i.minus.com/ibwpltOOwfynzI.gif
  19. Easy Weightloss = Calories consumed < Calories needed. There are some calculators out there that will help you determine your daily required calorie intake. http://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html Ive been playing around with this lately. For one i stopped drinking massive amounts of beer. I also stopped eating large meals less than 4 hours before bed. Lost 8 lbs doing nothing differently than eating slightly less.
  20. What does that have to do with data usage from your provider? Yes, some can determine what OS you are using, but they cannot tell how you are connected. The information presented was on overall data usage. And you wanna talk about fads? LOL Apple.
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