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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. Thank you skeleton.
  2. Art faggots are dumber than a box of rocks and think soil is beautiful.
  3. Fighting fire with oxygen. works every time!:dumb:
  4. I lived at the apartments behind that intersection for about a year. It was fucked, 100% of the time. a light is absolutely necessary.
  5. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ctd/3764065438.html Aint even worth the down payment.
  6. el oh el. I saw it before removed. Kid has a car on jack stands in his parents garage. Entire front end of car is missing and the engine is on the engine hoist positioned into the engine bay. Upon trying to start the engine the entire engine bursts into flames. I assume he spilled gasoline all over it or something. Then as hes trying to extinguish the engine flames he knocks over a gas can which was sitting near the wind screen, causing the whole front end of the car and ground to be aflame. He eventually puts it out with a garden hose. Edit, found one that is still up: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=acc_1367278543
  7. Aw man i saw this in powell the other day and thought damn that's a clean integra. Do want. GLWS
  8. Interesed in the IT position. Where in grove city?
  9. I think were missing part of the story here. One of them mentions at one point that he slammed on his breaks too.
  10. I agree with you that the perps, whoever they may be, should be burned at the stake with no chance of a mistrial.
  11. You would be correct in that assumption. I don't believe in that crazy conspiracy thread posted previously, but the evidence presented to us was pretty inconclusive. I am not one to just accept what i hear on the news, or from the gubment. It takes hard, solid evidence to convince me of something. My bad for desiring more than what meets the eye. At the same time, as mentioned above, why would these guys go to such lengths to escape? I.. I.. just have a hard time believing and find it strange that they never released to footage of the men dropping the bag, Anywhere.
  12. Id be interested in hearing your take on religion.
  13. I'm still waiting to see the footage of them actually dropping the bag.
  14. The situation was pretty fucked up. He pulled me over, went through the schpeal, said he was going to write me a ticket. Came back with a ticket written up, had me sign it, i handed it back to him and he told me to have a good day. He never returned from his car so i drove off. He never gave me a copy of the ticket. I called OHP the next day explaining what had happened and we arranged a time and place to meet up so i could get the ticket from him. That was when i asked him. $155.00
  15. Rat traps at the base of the grill. consider the bucket method.
  16. AWESOME! I got pulled over once. I asked the OHP if he would show if i contested and he said he would. I didn't contest it.
  17. I see them over by alum creek off Africa road sometimes. They aren't that rare around here. Cool pix.
  18. Took this on easter sunday. Only colorful thing around http://i.imgur.com/QJVjrpm.jpg
  19. http://www.reddit.com/r/funny /thread
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