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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. I also get something very similar to the right side of this picture. When the screen is white and starts to face back to normal colors i get solid, choppy shades rather than a smooth transition. http://www.photoshopgurus.com/forum/attachments/photoshop-newbies/11376d1323706868t-easiest-way-create-gradient-banding-untitled-1.jpg
  2. Heres the deal. I have a gtx260 superclocked.http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130372 i purchased a samsung sa300 seen here:http://www.samsung.com/hk_en/consumer/computer-peripherals/monitors/consumer/LS23A300BS/XK/index.idx?pagetype=prd_detail&tab=specification&subsubtype=series-3-led For some reason when i try to hook them up via a the dvi cable i have, i run into some serious issues. The display either A) doesnt show anything but recognizes that its plugged in, or B) displays the full 1920X1080 resolution, but outside the limits of the monitor; meaning stuff like the taskbar, and the left most column of icons is off the screen. The DVI Cable im using appears to be DVI-i (single link) seen in the picture below http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/DVI_Connector_Types.svg/277px-DVI_Connector_Types.svg.png I get the same thing on another 23" monitor plugged into the same or different port on the card. It seems to display fine with a full DVI-I (dual link) to VGA adaptor, but im afraid with the VGA im getting some signal loss thru the adaptor while playing games. Plus the connectors stick like 6" out the back of the machine. What am i missing here? do i need a full DVI-I dual link cable in order for it to auto adjust right? It does not allow me to hit the auto adjust on the monitor when plugged in via the DVI-i (single link) cable i have. Thanks for any insight.
  3. That is actually really cool. I could see a serious market for this.
  4. So what makes this the jackpot? Did you win it or something? The giggle juice looks interesting.
  5. http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f78/vwiesal/nutswinger.jpg
  6. Im in the music video! Look forward to future shows. I read that the last time newport sold out to a local band was like 1995. pretty impressive.
  7. egg yolk sauce is fucking disgusting. sorry i have nothing more to contribute to the thread.
  8. The phrase "black people" got me a 2 day ban. Enjoy yours.
  9. this the video of the police officer on a bike doing crazy loopdy doops?
  10. Maybe track down that thread and link it here for reference. Press f6 while the install screen is loading and load the third party drivers for the motherboard. brand/model of laptop?
  11. keep in mind your insurance goes up if you lease, compared to owning the title to a vehicle. Unless you carry full coverage on it anyways.
  12. you bought another FWD turbo DSM? *facepalm*
  13. Guy came down from Akron and gave me 75$ more than my asking price. This can be locked. Peas and carrots.
  14. My roommate got one for christmas as well and she only uses tap water. Never heard her mention anything out of the ordinary.
  15. From the picture i can make out t2500 which is the 2.0ghz mobile core 2 duo. The core 2 duo's are great processors, still today. I just built a budget PC using a 3.0ghz c2d and this thing rocks. Not nearly as well as some of the higher 2nd generation i7's though. I have a 1.8ghz c2d in my IBM Thinkpad T61 work laptop and i swear its faster than my 1.6 ghz i7 laptop. I had a 1.8ghz c2d in my old old PC also. Anyways, glws, and another bump for a good deal.
  16. wont last long. also, which core 2 duo is in it?
  17. so youre just gonna leave us hanging like that? I hope you chose an iphone 4. its camera is far superior than any other phone you listed.
  18. snow inbound: http://images.intellicast.com/WxImages/RadarLoop/day_None_anim.gif
  19. we will be getting lake effect tomorrow and tuesday. could see a very slow accumulating inch.
  20. you can get the keycode from the VIN i believe. Take the VIN along with proof of ownership to anywhere that makes keys (sears comes to mind first) and they should be able to make one. Maybe even a chevy stealership. edit; quick google yielded this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091215211729AADe5nE http://www.ehow.com/how_4830847_make-key-you_ve-lost-original.html
  21. picking them up at 4:30. this can be locked.
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