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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. 2011 never forget hes not even dead.
  2. the speed sensor in my 02 with 94k miles is also bad. the speedo often times goes to zero while driving and the odometer goes to all dashes. Ive never had an issue with it dieing, however.
  3. People bitch when the HOA is too strict; People bitch when the HOA doesnt do their job. winless situation.
  4. my money says the project never finishes. However, i look forward to a finished project, Aaron. When will i get a ride?
  5. according to gahana? or your home owners accociation. if the later, then i would tell em to do it themselves.
  6. Fleas are seriously a pain in the ass. My parents neglected to do something about it when they first moved in last spring. Before they knew it the entire house was a flea pit and was miserable just walking around. They tried all kinds of flea shit but there are really only two solutions. for the cat: flea bath and frontline. those fuckers do not die in water, so be prepared to bathe it multiple times. for the house, any sort of flea shit you can buy at the store will not work. It just stinks up your house and wastes money. call an exterminator and they will take care of them quickly and efficiently. So glad i dont live there.
  7. http://i35.tinypic.com/2zjjpme.png
  8. +1 for clifford. He repaired the talon when i got hit last winter. Awesome job. Couldnt even tell the 20 year old car had been repaired.
  9. My dad has a CDL, im sure if the price is right he would be willing to drive a penske truck.
  10. jeffro


    implying i didnt mean charged assault only. I understand they were charged, but assault should have been one of them.
  11. Probably steve monte's. Was it super shiny?
  12. jeffro


    Cam was a cool dude with one of the best sounding v6 to v8 with a cobra body kit mustangs ive ever heard. Best wishes.
  13. jeffro


    So how was it the lady hit him first (slap) and wasnt charged with assault? If the sexes were reversed the charges would have been completely opposite.
  14. Isnt that only for the toilet? +1 pull the drain cover off, (usually a screw of some sort) and use a coat hanger. You'd be surprised what youll find just beneath the drain cover. If that doesnt get it, check the trap. This could be difficult since its upstairs, but their might be an access panel somewhere. If that fails, look into a cheap snake. If that fails, call a pro
  15. Nobody ever challenges us when were playing at the bar. Come to crown in powell where its a buck a game and ill play ya for beers Do this at a buds house. wish i had a pool table. We play for hours on sundays. see above.
  16. Went to haunted hoochie last year, waited 3+ hours and didnt even get in until after midnight. trashy folk for sure. Would NOT recommend. Went to mansfield the year before that. We got there around 6:30 as the sun started to go down and we waited 20 minutes tops. Definitely worth the 17$ it costs to get in. Lasts about 40 minutes and get to see some real interesting shit. We might check out the scaritorium tonight.
  17. That garage tried to charge us 18$ for losing our parking ticket. we gave the bitch a few gold dollars i had in my pocket from somewhere, and she let us thru
  18. http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo160/jeffro1265/1318554467934.jpg
  19. http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo160/jeffro1265/1318530693758.jpg
  20. so then why dont you post some pics?
  21. Call BMV, tell them there's a vehicle parked in front of your house and you want to know who it belongs to. worth a try? aside from that you should probably take it to the police.
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