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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. it was a hit at the drug rep lunch.
  2. fresch. its 5 oclock somewhere:
  3. why do you always take pics at night aaron? good pictures will sell a car, not shit ones taken at night.
  4. att is just as good as tmobile bro. i get better 3g coverage with att, and customer service is just as good imo
  5. triple fail. you really are a newb. welcome anyways =]
  6. i just switched from t-mobile to att, wtf!
  7. Most ISPs now supply customers with static ip address like Ryan said. A proxy is your best bet.
  8. jeffro

    way to go AT&T

    which one of you noobs left me negative rep in this thread
  9. lol that was good. gooh gooh gooh inb4thatsracist.jpg
  10. wow sounded so good i had to watch it a second time, and a third time. beautiful car man. take care of her.
  11. that was my initial thoughts from the pictures. nice car thoughl; im jealous.
  12. where ever that is manufacturered they must not go faster than 35 MPH. that looks really unsafe to take at highway speeds here. those lawn mower tires cant be rated but to 50 MPH. this one has potential: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/07/14tatanano2011qs.jpg
  13. that article was fucking funny. "rebel without a car" "man behind the reigns" "reckless riding" "overdriving an animal" "racing another horse and buggy to a nearby church"
  14. You spelled nuclear wrong. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-33296/bilder/MISS.GIF nope, no abnormalities from chernobyl here. or here http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pvRKgjHQRfw/TXw4EDct87I/AAAAAAAAIUs/9-E80yWnkD8/s1600/paul%2Bfusco%2Bchernobyl%2B2.jpg source: http://gloriainafrica.blogspot.com/2011/03/paul-fusco.html
  15. is it just me or did that mustang look tiny? also calling fake. or set up at least. some mother fucker did that to me on hudson yesterday. i was getting off 71 south at the hudson exit. there was traffic backed up to turn right onto hudson, so i left a space for that akward intersection so people could still get through to cross. some mother fucker dipped past 6 or 7 cars and ditched it in that little space i left and blocked the intersection.. at like 100 mph. i was so fucking pissed.
  16. ^^ you need to check the date on that first image. ive been watching cnn and that nhk pretty heavily all week at work here. like op said, using cups of water to put out a bonfire. 2 days ago, fuel rods at reactor 2 were 30% damaged, and fuel rods at reactor 1 was 70% damaged. thats pretty significant. Personally, i feel like theyre downplaying the situation to prevent panic. Why do you think china demanded full disclosure from the plant officials the other day. there was a blog posted on the net somewhere earlier this week from a plant employee. they made them take their blog down. i feel like those fucks are hiding shit. as of this morning, they(japan) upped the situation from a level 4 to a level 5 on the scale of 1-7. 5 was three mile island, and 7 was chernobyl. France already has their assessment at a level 6. ive seen no reports of anything improving. tokyo electric power said they hoped to have power lines ran to the plant by friday at the earliest, but that doesnt account for the time its going to take to get shit repaired/replaced to get pumps and shit restored.. those plants are pretty fucked up. http://www.digitalglobe.com/digitalglobe2/downloads/featured_images/japan_earthquaketsu_fukushima_daiichi_march14_2011_dg.jpg
  17. ITT: people who stay at home and get drunk by themselves
  18. jeffro

    2011 cycling

    no way you rode that far. fuckkkkk that
  19. jeffro

    2011 cycling

    let me know what you wear so i can throw shit out the window at you when i spot you. http://tribewithted.mlblogs.com/nelson-haha.gif
  20. MFW: rear bumper http://mnorton.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/23120027.jpg
  21. try http://www.spokeo.com
  22. yall are retards, her dome aint that big.... http://fansiter.com/2009/09/giada-blue-bikini-2.jpg
  23. interesting read: http://www.accuweather.com/blogs/meteomadness/story/47126/snow-in-the-eastern-us-thats-the-question.asp take it with a grain of salt obviously
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