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Posts posted by jeffro

  1. A+ for country cabin out towards sunbury. They give you a sled, a saw, and you go out and cut your own. Wasn't too expensive either. Is definitely recommend going ASAP as pickings were slim when we went in early december. They eventually closed before Christmas .
  2. Screw Black Friday and the hoards that come with it.




    Nothing but a giant cashgrab for retailers. We have gone out in previous years (2014 included) and to me, its not worth it anymore. Half the shit that's marked down on BF is available pretty much any day of the year if you look around a bit and are okay with waiting a week for shipping.

  3. I would be interested to know how far away both devices are from your wireless router. I have a 1st gen Chromecast which is about 10 feet and one wall away from my wireless and I have never seen any lag or skipping




    According to every article I have read, the Steam Link is only usable on games purchased in your steam library. Below is a decent review for the Steam Link:

    The one thing I have never liked about streaming boxes is that you can't use the PC that you are streaming from while you are using the Steam Link. The box is basically just mirring your computers display and if you look over at the main computer you will just see the same image that is on your TV.




    Router is in basement almost directly under the tv in the living room. id say each device is less than 10 feet away from the router.

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