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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. next system due in early next week. definately a plowable snow, Anthony. Note, This image is subject to change. http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/nwprod/analysis/namer/gfs/12/images/gfs_p48_090l.gif
  2. Sold, sorry for not updating this sooner.
  3. anyobody else notice the fat dude in the white shirt recording with his cellphone? LAWL!
  4. jeffro

    Gun pulled

    Another word of advice, Supposedly there's a gang somewhere in Columbus that has a really interesting initiation process. In order to get into this gang, newbies have to get into their car at night, drive around with their headlights off, and the first person to flash their lights at them signaling to turn the headlights on has to be hunted down and killed. you didnt flash your lights at anybody last night did you?
  5. im actually having extremely good luck on craigslist. i will find out tomorrow if things are too good to be true.
  6. we need post-dinner details paul. details man, details.
  7. its hard to say. the models show very little precip up this way,but the radar shows it seems to be moving in on us. id say 0-1.5" are possible. just enough to fuck the roads up tomorrow evening.
  8. This thing is still sitting in my closet. 15$
  9. intense video, my boss just showed that to me.
  10. ^LOL. OP, weve got a leaking toilet and a broken counter-top at our place, minisquel compared to your issues, but its been months since it was reported and its still fucked up. If mgmt doesnt do anything consider some alternatives.
  11. where in westerville are you. ill be heading out here shortly and can swing by
  12. so im having issues with my current mouse, and dont feel like buying another one in case its not the issue, so instead, im looking to trade my almost new keyboard for a USB mouse. my keyboard is ps/2. Mouse im looking for should be USB and laser. can be used or new. heres what i've to trade: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TN8KFznUJlI/AAAAAAAABHk/PX8VJqzvgcQ/s640/PICT0278.JPG
  13. 5 to 23* wind chills down there today. pretty nice out if you ask me,
  14. M dream. I would be honored to be your first mate. plenty of experience on lake erie, although never sailed before.
  15. wow, you have experienced more in 5.5 months than most have in a lifetime. awesome pics, thanks for sharing.
  16. cant imagine this being true, but.... http://wxcaster.com/legends/TotalSnowFall_Legend.png
  17. 2 more systems will be making their ways through our region before christmas. The first one will be later this week around the 17th and the second one would be around the 23rd. Heres the first system, http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/1103/00054g1northamericazoom.jpg
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